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18.07.2017 23:54
Linkjust wanted to let you guys know that i'm trying my best to contact Random Person, but she has replied for a while now.
(her parents maybe have taken her phone away).
this is actually giving me anxiety because im so worried for her. i never seen her this (broken/sad) before. its almost a little to much for me to handle.

18.07.2017 23:55
LinkRP has always comforted me during my worst days, and i want to do the same for her. i just really hope she is ok....... T-T

18.07.2017 23:59
LinkWhen It's Quiet Uptown is playing in the background
the feels

19.07.2017 00:08
Linki actually started playing that song, and then she texted me back. she got her phone taken away, so she can't talk to me until further notice. she told me to not reply to that text.
(i'm crying right now hahahaha)

19.07.2017 00:11
LinkI'm listening to the ending of Hamilton soundtrack
I'm crying too

19.07.2017 00:19
Linkyikes we are both crying hahahaha