The Feels Fire has opened
Ren vs Lie part 1
Some Demons (to Unicorn)
Happybday Todoroki ♥(11/01/1
koi dance(atr)
Blow Hole
03.03.2019 00:59
Linkok lemme type
So, this is a map drawn by the "ancestors" (a 5- year old).
First, we start out at home. then, we go reach the Serpents, which nibble on your doughnuts while you try to get through the area.
Next, we get to Meme Dungeon, which drives people mad with Ultra Instinct Shaggy and Moto Moto memes.
After that, we go to the caves, not a giant mouth thing.
Finally, we reach the eggies. Or a giant boss battles