- create flipbook animations online!
Please! Pilot
10.06.2018 03:09
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Please say if you want to see more of this! I might make it a series. The point is about the main character (the girl with red hair) who is visited by a mysterious woman who asks her what she wants, but she is always unsure. The woman always says, "I will not be deciding for you." The girl never knows what she wants, because she has a good life... except for when her father died. The woman knows what she wants, for her father to be there. She is all powerful, but she cannot decide for someone. The red head, (Her name is Jane), always cries, because her encounter always reminds her of her father. Why is it called please? One of Jane's main characteristics is being polite. She got it from her father. She has been told to keep her feelings in and always be polite. This is why she always tells the woman to leave. And says please. That's basically the plot of the series. I hope you like it!
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