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TA Cast descriptions..
08.02.2018 20:27
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Axxa Huge, Thick, Long, Bushy-Furred Grey Tabby Tom. He has glowing, cyan eyes. He has a black tailtip, nose, and tufted ears. Along with a white chest, belly, muzzle, and large paws. Eln Tall, Lithe, Soft, Fluffy, Grey Tabby She-Cat. She has green eyes. Blue-Black ears and tailtip. Along with a white muzzle, chest, belly, and paws. Lo Lanky, Lithe, Slender, Thick, Medium-Furred Black She-Cat. She has unusual, Purple eyes and a Bushy tail. Violet Short, Small, Thick, Long-Furred, Lilac She-Cat. She has blue-green eyes. She has a Long, Soft, Bushy Tail, and a pink Nose. Blue Fluffy, Lithe, Long-Legged, Grey-Blue Tabby Tom. He has silver eyes. Apex Large, Long-Furred, Soft, White Tabby Tom. He has orange eyes. He has a Bushy, Faintly Darker Tail. June-bug Short, Broad-Shouldered, Thick-Furred, Orange She-Cat. She has dark blue eyes. White eye spots, Chest, and Paws. Darker Ears and Tail. Yellowish inner Ears.
08.02.2018 20:27
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Scarab Abnormally tiny, Broad-Shouldered, Long-Furred, Soft, Brown Tabby She-kit. She has cream Ears, muzzle bridge, Belly, Paws, and Tailtip. Along with unusually bright, wide Orange eyes. Auo Tall, Thick-Furred Ginger Tom-Kit. He has dark blue eyes. He has a White muzzle, chest, belly, Ear fur, and Paws. A striped tail and ears, and a darker Tailtip. Mars Short, Thick-Furred, Dark Ginger Tom. He has wide, Icey Blue Eyes. He has ruffled fur, a Long, Bushy Tail, Torn Ears. Along with scars down one shoulder and along his back. Saturn Tall, Long-Furred, Pale Yellow Tabby She-Cat. She has wide, bright yellow eyes. Ruffled, yet soft Fur. Along with a torn ear. Jupiter Abnormally Huge, Broad, Sturdy, Bushy, Ruffled, Long-Furred Calico She-Cat. She has Dark, Reddish-Amber Eyes and Tufted Ears. She has multiple scars on her back, Muzzle, and Shoulder. She also has a long, bushy, Tufted, ruffled tail. Neptune Large, Ruffled, Thick-Furred Black Tom. He has Wide, Dark Blue Eyes. Large
08.02.2018 20:28
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Neptune Large, Ruffled, Thick-Furred Black Tom. He has Wide, Dark Blue Eyes. Large Paws, Feathered Ears. Along with a Bushy, Tufted Tail, and a Scar on his Muzzle. Mercury Tiny, Long-Furred, Ruffled, Soft, Chimera Tom. He has one Dark Grey Eye, the other is Amber. He has a Long, Tufted Tail. Along with tufted ears.
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