why havent i ended it all
08.10.2019 19:03
LinkPlease don't say that.. I suggest you to call a hitline at this point.. I beg you, don't kill yourself or harm yourself, it's stressful to us. But again, i suggest you to call a hotline. We care about you.
08.10.2019 19:04
Linki cant call
i only have a tablet
im just feeling really negative,with stress,grief and the fact that my teachers think im faking adhd
08.10.2019 19:05
LinkCould you borrow anyone's phone that you're close with? Or just message them?
08.10.2019 19:06
Linki dont want people to know
08.10.2019 19:08
LinkHm.. maybe this if you have a tablet? https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/
I really don't want you to commit suicide or feel sad..
08.10.2019 19:10
Linki dont need the suicide prevention
probably something like childline or something
its just
my school is mean
the area i live is mean
its probably just me trying to get attention
08.10.2019 19:12
LinkNono!! Trying to get an attention for adhd is lies, if there are no one ro support you, try to find websites with therapists, all i can do is give you suggestions.. I'm not a good therapist, but still!! Try to contact someone that'll help you, now i need to sleep, feel better soon, Ori. <3 No homo.