
resting sad face ¯\_(ツ)_/



vld galra keith =3

First Person + Nicci ReDesign

I like this plan of death


22.05.2018 00:52

22.05.2018 00:53
Linkno....:) heaven or hell (for those who are christains) I rather sleep in my painful nightmares then be awake

22.05.2018 00:53
Linkwhat's the point of living we'll all die anyways we always kill each other

22.05.2018 00:54
LinkWe kill ourselves

22.05.2018 00:54
LinkWe just live to die and that's the end of you no matter what

22.05.2018 00:55
Linkjeancook. why dont you stop. shes hurting and trying to look for friends to help, saying stop can hurt her. im sorry if i dont under stad currently but shes down. try helping please. not just say "stop"
please dont harm your self Henricksgenration. i dont want to lose you oK?

22.05.2018 00:56
Linkand i give credit to those heartless ppl who want others to die cuz they helped ALOT

22.05.2018 00:57
Linkagain morgan I am a stupid whore who *****es bout everyone all i did was ake things worse so I can help by ending it

22.05.2018 00:57

22.05.2018 00:58
Linkplease dont die. i care for you ok? more then you think. you not just one of the people on flipanim i will shortly forget. your one of my best friends rn. and i feel like i can trust you. i dont want you dead, please

22.05.2018 01:00
Linkplease dont ;w;
(im crying so much rn please dont die on me!)
i dont think your like that! your very nice to me, and deserves better people then me! look i know how you feel. ive actually almost cut my self. but i realized people care about me. and dieing wont make anything better. just give it time, please.

22.05.2018 01:00
LinkI'm like scuicidal sadie a cp......she and I are scuicide for everytear is a heavy eotion of pain digging in my skin

22.05.2018 01:01
Linkfine....but I already gave time by every second is nothing but danger everyday gets worse

22.05.2018 01:03
Linkliston. i tell my self every day when im down that in the future none of these people will matter in school. and if they hate me, then let them. i can ignore them.

22.05.2018 01:09
Linkschool isn't the ovnly problem

22.05.2018 01:14
Linkim sad and offen want to die when someone swairs at me or calls me a ***** again. i take pills but end up crying my eyes out untill they burn. but nothing gets better. my brother and sister still team up on me. my brother hurts me. im scared of my dad. my moms fine. i use to be left alone at school. now they say im discounting. that it would be better with out me. they dont say that but i feel it. my friends are never true. so please. i have to deal with that and a tone of other things, like my aunt having brest cancer. but i live on. can you just try to live untill your 21?

22.05.2018 01:18
Link.......I have 1 week to change or else...........you won't be seeing me again

22.05.2018 01:18
Linklowkey morgan i understand but like i dont have any actual advice to give anymore because some people just cant comprehend that suicide isn't the answer to every single problem you have

22.05.2018 01:19
Linkplease dont go. think about it. your young. you have a life ahead of you. just please

22.05.2018 01:20
im sorry. im just scared. i dont want to loose a friend. and i know how hard it is to think of something before there gone...

22.05.2018 01:21
LinkI SAID 1 WEEK MORGAN MYLIFE GOING TO HELL SO AFR MY FRIEND HAS CANCER MY FAMILY IS BROKE POOR I"M STARVING JUST TO HELP so.....if anything gets worser this.........I will die with my falling soull...

22.05.2018 01:22
LinkPlease I'm with Morgan there so much to live for henrick pls I'm about to cry don't do it

22.05.2018 01:22

22.05.2018 01:22

22.05.2018 01:24

22.05.2018 01:27
LinkPlease , I'm asking you on a human to human , please don't do it, things will get better if you ask, there are things to lor

22.05.2018 01:27
Linkpls don't Ut15 i'm just an attention whore :)

22.05.2018 01:28
LinkJust don't cry........crying..........ranting...helps me more to kms

like i'll have you know, killing yourself isn't the answer to ****ing problems, like about the making things worse, you can't help by killing yourself, like that's not the answer. That's like me saying "I want to kill myself because i failed, or i made a mistake" it isn't the answer.

Hugs" please don't say that , your beautiful and incredible just the way you are and you inspired since the day you got on here, if it's bullying forgetthem mother****ers and flick them off, or if they touch eve tap you kick their ass they'll back off, if it's death I know how that feels but you have to understand they aren't in pain anymore , if any reason pls don't kil, your self

Why kys.. it won't help you..
You are going to suffer either ways,what about stop thinking those god damn shitty negative thoughts and move on.
If you want this to end,what about stop thinking about it and move on.
People been through worser stuff than you and some of them are trying to stay strong and not weak in mentally and physically.