o look. he be angry boi
23.10.2018 00:02
LinkOh sht-
23.10.2018 00:07
Linkrip xD
23.10.2018 00:11
LinkRip undertale15
2005 - to rn
23.10.2018 00:12
23.10.2018 00:39
LinkAngry boiiiii
plort- *his eyes flash corupted as he growls more loudly. as he looks up at her* dumb 4$$. think that hurts *smiles* i dare you to hit me again and ill be the last person you've seen. *he laughs as hes doing his best to fight back the coruption*(hes way mor strong then before so if any one was stronger then him before then there week to him. the bat also left no cracks, at least it did for a second, it faded)
plort- *he glitches but his eyes go completely corupted as he tackles. smiles wide but eyes are open wider(words?) his voice is way deeper* you just cant shut your mouth. maybe I can fix that *his tail makes a quick movement then turns out sharp. also his grip on them is enough that even the strongest person couldn't escape even if teleporting. but if they do try to teliport it could harm them more. * (this is not the plum/plort valine knew. so many things happened plort cant smile. and one is thinking his ex killed her self. so what they said made plort or the guy valine knew give up. lol. sorry. )
plort-hmm.. clever. *gets up he locates the real one. and it would work. he is ment to find and kill in this form.* kill or not kill? what do humans do again in hard disitions. *he laughs at his joke* its not that hard. but it would be fun to have a turn on the wheel. cant beleave he gave controle to me that easily. *he goes to were dingy really is and is not wrong. he is mostly robot now* (sorry for over powered, but you did get him angry on your own part*
plort- i block my family out, i block my friends and my gf's out. my own sister hurt and blocked me out before. my ex gf was saposibly dead for a whole year. i got beat up every corner i went. even people who dont know me hates me. ive been kidnaped so many times! i cant even see my own kid because of this stupid coruption that you just saw! and every one i know ignores me exept for two of them! my dad was gon for 7 years then my parents died! i was going to delete and kill my self! you have no idea dindy! theres so much more!you have no idea so dont even think of compairing your self to my god damn life!