Justin:I'll find a way.Summer,can you watch out for any other lions or ships heading towards please?Snowball,once i find what i need to fix we can both go on a test drive,okay?
Justin:Yes my lion.(Remember that voltron rp?When pidge showed snowball that robot lion?Yeah,it's the same but with different abilities and it has the color purple rather than green)
* to the thing it looked like Hollow only had four legs *
Hollow: * lifts extra set of legs and kicks the thing off *
* scraps a deep gash in Hollow's throat as they're thrown off *
Justin:They are out there.*Points out to the stars*They will kill everyone of you if you don't spare me.With one of our pilots gone the universe will have no hope.The fights we have conquered will become myths.Leaving the universe to crumble apart.
Justin:It could be that old satellite I found earlier...let me see if i can speak to the others.Hello?Hello!Yeah,i'm fine.*He walks into the lions mouth and the lion closes his mouth shut.*