25.08.2019 17:41
Linkhiiii *hugs*
If you have a kid think about them
How your actions will affect their future
If you do something illegal, get help for it
If you continue to not get help, you don't "need" help; and you won't see your kid until they're 18
You don't love them enough to get help to see them
And you scare them
Do I make myself clear?
I agree this so hard. I’ve had different experiences than you but the message here holds strong.
If you’re not stable enough to raise your kid right, then why don’t you seek help?? Y’all realize the example you’re setting right? Even if you don’t seek help either... like.. you can put your kid under temporary care by someone else while you get better somehow. There’s so many better ways to go about it than just saying “I’ll be fine.” I want my parents (and others too) to get better... like I don’t really forgive them but everyone deserves the chance.
Anyway ted talk over
"WhO's The aDulT In ThIs situation!" 'BEcAuSE I SaId So" "YouRE jUSt BEing SensiTIvE aNd Im using lOGic!" "It MaY hAvE Looked ThAT Way bUT iT Wasn't! yOuRE jUsT MisinteRPretinG"
the default parent excuses for being dumb people
i totally agree. it's sad that some kids have to go through things like this with their parents, and their parents just don't give a crap about 'em. clearly, your child can get taken away if you abuse them or they're not in a safe place or whatever. some parents should've never been parents in the first place, but they are. it's sad.