Oliver Blink IMPROVED
Thank tou guys!
Jerry the mouse
Icarus challenge
Full Story
24.07.2019 00:10
LinkOnce upon a time, in 2017, I made a friend. Her name is Siena. We became friends because we both had ROBLOX, After a while, I made up a game "Poke Wars" uh I think you get the idea. Me and her played it. Then in 2018, September, I hung out with her, and my other friends. Everything was great. Then 2019, on March 20 something, I accidentally stepped on her foot. Then we stopped being friends, and she hung out with my old friends, THEN I WASN'T ALLOWED TO BE NEAR HER, MAKING IT SO I COULDN'T HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS, luckily, I'll never see her again, and if I do, I'm gonna be very mad.
It's times like these I wish my oc had fingers.
24.07.2019 00:14
LinkFrick that person
24.07.2019 00:15
Linkshe does fa