Lilly's back (redraw)


16.02.2019 01:20
LinkName-Lilly Anne Gray
Status- strait-single
Likes-going out to the caffe near her home-naps-painting/arts and crafts
Dislikes-her job/boss-being alone in the dark-scary movies
Extra-Lilly’s shy,quiet, and STRONGLY dislikes her job, she works for a online security program and struggles to keep up with everyone around her, she’s often overwhelmed by all the people around her and finds it difficult to do presentations or meeting when required , in her free time she’ll paint landscapes,sketch, or sculpt fantasy creatures to calm down, she often comes off as uncomfortable when talking to people (because she is) ,she’s a bit on the chubby side amd damn is it AdOrAbLe

16.02.2019 01:20
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