I can't stop.. why today. why
16.06.2019 13:49
Linkwhats wrong?.
16.06.2019 13:58
Linkim sorry.
16.06.2019 14:00
LinkWe went to the beach yesterday and I drew a pic of the beach for my Papaw... so ya.
So it's father's day right! We was gonna go over to my grannys house and have father's day there but my mom said we wasn't because my Papaw(grandpa) had to take her to the hospital..
Why today God why... was is ment to happen or was it an accident... please help me get through this.. it's really hard on me cuz I'm only 12 going on 13... I wanted my kids to see her and ,love her the way I did.. hope she's okay.. I need all the prayers I can get..