

06.06.2019 00:21
LinkI'M HERE- owo

06.06.2019 00:31

06.06.2019 00:39
LinkOkay, soo... Remember when I told you about the rest of that one rp? If you don't remember look somewhere here:
We're gonna b doing that but with a bit of a smol fix at the end.

06.06.2019 00:39
LinkThis is why I told you it's gonna be depressing. XD

06.06.2019 00:41
LinkOh god okay and I might not respond that much cause me playing Cuphead TwT raging too much

06.06.2019 00:47
Linkokey, who starts? Also, Which stage are you on? XD

06.06.2019 00:50
LinkGrim matchstick I finally beat Wally warbles and you start it XD

06.06.2019 01:31
LinkOHH IT'S THE DRAGON BOYO. XD and oki. owo

(Start down here)
Me: *writing a note* *I haven't talked to anyone in a while and seem depressed and lonely*

Me: oh god... h-hold on.. *tries to heal luppet but can't heal her that much because the wound is severe and only heals luppet a little bit, making her wound a less serious* i-i can't heal you all the way because I'm not that experienced in healing magic, b-but your wound will be less severe.. (That'll at least give us time to get help or medical supplies XD)

(Got home from school a few hours ago. *inhalessss* :DDDD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-)
Me: *finished the note I was writing* *makes an envelope with black angel wings appear and puts the note in the envelope* *writes "to cupnoir, from pinkie" on the envelope*
*the envelope flies away* (basically, it's flying to cupnoir and sending him the note XDDDDDD)

Blue ghost: oooo.. *makes a mirror appear and shows luppet* oooooooo.. *it seems like it wants her to look, like it's trying to tell her somethng*
*the mirror shows me, crying and laying on my bed* (which is why the ghost is there, but it's also trying to let her know about another event that it's predicting a part of)

(*yey someone knows :D* '🎵ding dong, you can't keep me waiting, it's already too late, for you to try and run away, I see you through the window. Our eyes are locked together~ I can sense your horror. Though I'd like to see it closer~'🎵)
*I saw what happened but before yandere quest cup stabbed cupnoir, I ran to him and stabbed yandere quest cup in the back. (QUITE LITERALLY)*
Me: *blood got all over me* *tears were falling down my face* *thinks that from seeing me kill someone cup noir will break up with me (but the exact opposite of what I'm thinking happens XD)*

Me: *many things are going on in my head and I look like I'm going to have an emotional break down* *starting to cry*
*suddenly, cupnoir hugged me.* (REMEMBER WHAT I SAID. I think he'll break up with me, but he doesn't and tries to calm me down because I haven't seen him in a long time and was extremely scared and depressed)
Comment removed

Me: ...*hugs back, crying softly*
*yandere quest cup's body was still where it was*
???? (Ooo look, mystery person! :0): *had found yandere quest cup's body* ......I knew this day would come eventually. But if I fail my task, I'll have to just take half his soul and send him to my "acquaintance" in hell with the rest of it. *picks yandere quest cup up and carries him away*
(guess who picked him up? owo)

(Nope, but you were close. It was demon!me. But she will give yandere quest cup to alastor if she fails whatever she's trying to do. XD)
Demon!me (the person): *had carried yandere quest cup to a bed of black roses and put him on it* *took the knife out of yandere quest cup and let blood drip on some of the roses*

Demon!me: *slits one of her wrists using the knife and lets her blood also drip on the roses*
*yandere quest cup's blood and demon!me's blood mixed and soaked into the rose petals* *the black roses suddenly start to grow around yandere quest cup* (I forgot to mention, this all goes wrong and makes yandere quest cup part zombie. -w-)

Demon!me: *opens a portal to hell* before you go, um.. *makes yandere quest cup's soul appear* *makes a knife appear and painlessly cuts yandere quest cup's soul in half, taking half his soul in the process* you might feel a bit weak later, but it'll wear off. And when I said I failed to "fully" bring you to life, I meant that I accidentally made you part zombie.. ^^" but you'll at least not crave flesh or brains or be able to turn other people into zombies. althoigh, You'll still be undead and occasionally lose a limb. Maybe.