Here are the deferences
22.10.2019 04:39
LinkSo people stand about shoulder height coloring it the same for both genders. Serian are good swimmers, they can’t climb that well though. They live in mostly by the sea or in deserts. (Seria= 1 Serian= 2+) they hive in small packs such as threes or fives.
22.10.2019 04:41
LinkThere omnivores, in Serian packs there is an Leader or Alpha so to speak, there bigger and stronger and don’t have a top fan on their tails. (An Alpha can be both genders)
22.10.2019 04:42
LinkLast but not least theses are fast and agile creatures! So typically very lean
22.10.2019 04:45
LinkI keep forgetting the colors of the skin can not be the same as the fan or vice versa