Meet Lucy


12.11.2017 15:20
Link*waves* -^-

12.11.2017 15:21
LinkLucy:*slowly waves back*

12.11.2017 15:21
Linki like ur scraf .w.

12.11.2017 15:22

Lucifer: haha.. hahaHa..
HAHAHAHAHAHHh AHaHA a *tears roll down his eyes as he laughs* *his leg is bleeding*
iTs onlY fAir, cHiLd.
don'T YoU kNow?
i t s k i l l o r b e k i l l e d
might as well learn while you're young, y'know
I wanted to be put out of my misery for years.
But I didn't wanna make anyone cry. Especially not my parents.
So you wanna know what I did?
I got no friends.
I killed my parents.
I hid knives around the neighborhood to keep people away from me
I almost got shot... twice.
I've been in prison for murder.
um.. wait why am I talking to you about this
you aren't gonna help.
Welp.. see ya.
*grabs a gun and points it to his head* hahah..

Halo: Sorry I had to do that. Lucifer is scary Owo;
*wipes blood from mouth* *pulls out a tooth and throws it*
Lucifer: Quite rude of you to say no one would know I was gone, ey?
Mai: Wink-wonk
Kelly: I saw everything
Pill-bug: I might call the police, but naw
June-bug: eh h
Mai: Dang this was quite a mess, sorry child. *picks lucy up and sets her down on a chair*
Halo: Acording to this recording, friends slow her down. She's psycho, I love it >:)

Bia:oooh a mouse im hungery but i dont want to eat it i will just walk over there and say hi *walks over to lucy*hi

Lucy:*gets ready to rip a lung out*
Scratch:LUCY WHAT THE ****
Lucy:heeeey uncle Scratch
Scratch:*shoots Bia with a tranquilizer dart that causes her to fall asleep,stitches up her would runs her home and lays her in bead,jumps out the window and runs back* you're...grounded..already ran from the police once,i'm not doing it again...

I'm getting screamer vibes all over again. (y'know, the demon children from dying light)
Kristin: U-Uh, Hi T-T, Hi There. *slowly pulls out a trap grenade*

Mikey: *holds her shoulder* I've got an assortment of people coming to help, were not going to follow her in a way she can notice. We'll get him back. Don't worry. *texts Scratch, Cody, X, Gillian, etc.* hey guys, our "pal" Lucy just kidnapped some lady's son. I need a way to follow her invisibly and quickly and teleport her son out of there stat. *to the lady* can you tell me your sons name? Blood type? Any info?

Scratch:*flings the door open,X,Gillian,Ethan,and Leo run in behind him*
X:Couldn't get a hold of the rest
Lady:his name is Teddy,he's 3 years old,he has blue eyes and black short hair,pale skin,umm he has a soft quiet voice and he can't talk well,oh! and he has a heart shaped birth mark on his left arm,down by his hand