Alex: ○/////////////////○
Guy: *grabs his tail and pulls him close* You didnt say about you!~ *pins his arm to his sides and kisses him. Steps on his feet and rubs his tail* mmmmmmmm
Don:remember I have a bad side*turns bad and runs after one and grabs there neck and chokes them*ya little bugger ya are I’ll kill ya if you touch my tail
Alex: *sits and watches*
Guy: *grabs Don's arms and pinned them* Oh so. Dont do this?~ *rubs his tail hard and fast*
Other guy: *sits on Don's legs* mmmmmm
Other Guy: If you dont give us the reaction we want then we'll get one from your GF!
Guy: *sneaks behind Alex and grabs her. Covering her mouth*
Alex: !?!
Guy: *points gun at them* Hand over the girl orvyourself before we shoot one of ya!
Other guy: *grabs his army supplies and distroys it*
Other guy: *grabs Don's weapons and points a gun at them*
devo:puts his hands up and says*fine have her but one thing first*kicks them and bites the guns and flings em away*now whatcha gonna do think id give this cutie away never*puts a chain round there necks and pulls it tight*
devo:alex move back a bit*swings them round and round faster and lets go of the chain puts his hand on his forehead to see how far*ohh right off a hill