Elijah: *pause* (totally wasn't bored. Totally not for a month. Didn't spend two weeks researching "Faith" (remember the supposed grandmother blah blah). Didn't spend three following Charlie and studying the government people studying her) *opens mouth* *closes mouth* ah.
???: "Don't mess with the watch. I like the watch. It's my favorite watch. I'll come back for it later." *Disappears behind an alleyway*
Charlie: *Spins the Pocket-Watch in her fingers* "Eh- nevermind. What's wrong with time?"
(I thought the man took the watch with- but he didn't so ok)
Elijah: Time. Time is such an odd thing, you humans made it up. It's such an odd concept, and such a pain to try and measure. Frustrating.
Ives: *intense staring* *tic* I wouldn't swing that around.
Charlie: "Eh, It makes things less confusing to me- though i don't often think about it anyways unless i need to." *Hears when the other guy says something.* "Wait- who's he?"