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"I remember..." (1)
21.01.2020 20:28
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"That fateful day... in november.. I can't remember that much yet, but.. I'll at least say what I can.. It was dark.... I was still human... Blood was everywhere... Someone did something to me... I was in so much pain... 'stop it' I pleaded, they didn't listen. They did it anyway. They laughed like they were insane... 'help me.... Someone... Anyone...' I screamed... Nobody came... It was hard to breathe.... 'it hurts..... It hurts.... It hurts....' Repeated in my mind.. I still hoped for someone to come to my rescue, but..... Nobody ever did. Until I saw someone nearby... But it was too late.. I was beginning to pass out... Before I did... They ran up to me.... Then I heard something... It sounded like they were crying.. A-and calling my name.... It felt warm, then it felt cold.... Then.... It felt like nothing..... I couldn't wake up... It was for a while, a couple months I think, but....I felt like I was trapped inside my head... Even though nobody could hear me... I was begging for somebody to comfort me"
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