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Colosseum of Fools

Rose as a dragon .w.

100 frames a second


Oliver Blink IMPROVED
Charels Denn


15.03.2018 19:31
Linkhes a dragon taking the form of a 13 year old boy he had to choose a body quick & fast so the others couldnt find him. He has to hind the tail bc thats the only thing he cant hind be its connected to the kids flesh and bone.For him to be able to breath fire, he eats these rocks that contan fire for him to consume and it makes his stomach adapt to the fire & gasses. His bone had to become thicker since his tail weighs 8 pounds the & he has no wings bc the human boys back & bones couldt take it. if he does fly his back will be in pain and bones will brake.

15.03.2018 19:34
Linkthe reason he choose this boy bc, he didnt have a choice the dragon was about to die he had to take this kid and go inside him for him to rest when the boy found out he paniced he tried to kill himself multiple times but the dragon wont let him, if the dragon leaves the boys body the boys life will be draned and he will die the dragon didnt want that. so he stayed