- create flipbook animations online!
Wwyd revival era guys
31.12.2023 13:07
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Erm so I haven’t done one of these in a while so forgive me if I get overwhelmed and stuff. Anyway I didn’t have any ideas so I just re write a wwyd from a long long time ago 😭🙏 this is basically my contribution to trying to revive the wwyd era guysss
31.12.2023 13:08
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Anyway characters.. https://toyhou.se/23062463.karma https://toyhou.se/25068129.dante Oof okay let’s do this
31.12.2023 13:08
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Your oc finally has a day off, and they wanted to spend it enjoying some time at a cafe. The one they chose could only be described as cozy, hidden behind the outlets and alleyways associated with the city. They sat down with their drink of choice and looked around, catching sight of a couple. Actually they were catching everyone’s sight, with the amount of yelling the man was doing. “What the **** are you doing!? Clean this shit up now! God you’re so ****ing stupid!” A spill. A spill of coffee of the table was what he was losing it over. He suddenly grabbed the smaller woman’s arm and slightly dragged her towards the door, grumbling, and everyone’s gaze grew grim. But..everyone stayed in their seats. Wwyd..
31.12.2023 13:12
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Also just to clarify This is modern AU Dante is a 5’6 bodyguard who’s main..skill? is agility and force. He’s like..muscular..but not a body builder lol. Fight him and you’ll probably lose though. Not for the reason you think. Karma is 4’10 and because her clothes are so..anime..fantasy..ish..in all my art I usually just put her in a cream colored cable knit sweater dress with the thigh highs we all know and love
31.12.2023 13:15
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Anyway yah I think that’s it Open all day 🕺
31.12.2023 13:50
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Me when one certain bite of my fruity pebbles suddenly tastes like..toothpaste
31.12.2023 13:15
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Making some lunch and then I might do this,, (have not rpd in ages so forgive me if I'm shit 💀
31.12.2023 13:15
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I’m deeply in love with you for doing so <3 /p
31.12.2023 13:31
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https://i2.paste.pics/Q363O.png DRAGGING IN MY TRAUMATIZED OLD MAN 🗣️🗣️🗣️ HE WILL GET DANTES ASS Bshjh I start?
31.12.2023 13:34
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31.12.2023 13:41
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Daukius clamped his fingers around the ceramic in his hands, taking a pause from drinking his brew as he watches... That. He knew it was none of his business to stick his nose into some randos bullshit, but he had a bad feeling about that whole fiasco. Seeing how everyone had quietly ducked their heads back into the comforts of their food and drink, not a soul daring to question or challenge what just happened... He sighed, Slinging his coat around his shoulder and tossing his pay for the drink on the table, Eyeing the door. He felt his belt. Pocket knife and handgun secure. Just in case. And out he goes.
31.12.2023 13:41
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(hoping this is alr 🙏🙏💀 my writings funky)
31.12.2023 13:47
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It’s perfect <3 )) Now this city was really loud and confusing, alleyways that lead to dead ends and empty warehouses were common here, but on the side of the building was a dark alleyway where a few small grunts could be heard along with the males voice from earlier shouting profanities. The only reason more people didn’t follow him out, was because this was a common occurrence. They came in every three or four days and of course people tried to stop it but they just kinda..started minding their own business after a while. A small groan was interrupted by a sharp yelp and a thud. Things weren’t pretty back there that’s for sure
31.12.2023 13:56
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Daukius paused for a second, before letting himself walk around the corner. He kept a hand cozily tucked in his pocket, if he need to reach his weapons. He called out, "Hey, Snow white. The hell you think you're doing treating a girl like that?"
31.12.2023 14:00
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The man’s ears flicked at the voice, and he grumbled in annoyance. He stood tall with eyes like daggers, locked in and ready for a fight. The woman on the other hand was on the ground gasping for breath with a brand new black eye and bloody nose. It’s not exactly something that looks good on such a pretty face. She muttered “pl-please go..”
31.12.2023 14:08
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Daukius glanced at the woman on the ground his mouth twitching in annoyance, threatening to break his stone cold expression into something soft and worried. He turned back to the wolf, his gaze set.
31.12.2023 14:12
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Dantes ears flicked back and he helped the woman up quietly, wiping her face and moving her to the side. Out of the way. He licked the blood off his palm and growled out a response. His voice was raspy, excited. He was ready. "Gonna do this fair and drop your weapons?" He could smell the metallic gunpowder. It was blood pumping to say the least. She just looked at the stranger, shaking her head no and trying to signal for him to just walk away.
31.12.2023 14:17
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"I don't play fair with scumbags." Daukius growled. He cast a gentle glance to the girl. He fought on the regular, and he wasn't gonna let this rando slide. He wasn't one for compassion or empathy, but sometimes he just had to help.
31.12.2023 14:22
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Not me reading that in a southern accent )) He jumped. He was quick, it was hard to tell how quickly though. His arm Transfigured into that of a wolves though..much larger. It looked like he was going straight for the throat. This was suddenly interrupted, too fast.. like he stopped before this man could change his mind about what he was doing and he..smirked.
31.12.2023 14:25
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STOP he had the most stereotypical new yorker voice and sounds like he smoked a pack a day ever since he popped out his momma💀)) Even if the man stopped, Daukius had already drawn his pistol and shot twice at the claw. Through the palm, and one grazing the upper arm. He'd also taken quick two steps back and spread his stance slightly, Not wanting to be unprepared to move again. He scowled. Guns were not his weapon of choice, and neither was the small knife in his pocket, but he didn't expect a fight going to the cafe so he didn't bring his beloved mechanised pinwheel, Lucy.
31.12.2023 14:32
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I NEED HIM- )) He chuckled, and muttered a playful "ouch" before backing up. His attack was a fake of course...hers. was not. The woman had somehow made it to this man's feet, she had a simple pocket knife that she dug into the strangers leg. She stood up properly and made distance after taking it out of his leg. They were in this together..not willingly it seems. But. Either way. Attacking him meant attacking her and she was much faster than Dante..less force but the two of them working together would be an..inconvenience. The wolf pulled her in, wrapping his arm around her body while she struggled. "I can handle this on my own.."
31.12.2023 14:38
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CHILL HE IS AN OLD MAN 🗣️🗣️🗣️)) Daukius hissed at the knife in his leg before yanking it out. He glanced at the two, before taking a pause and gathering his thoughts about the situation. The gangster swung the knife around in his hand. He let himself chuckle and hummed, "Thanks," In a cold voice, before swingning a lighter kick towards the girls legs, just to get her back, before driving the newly acquired into the wolf's eye, and taking a blow at his stomach.
31.12.2023 14:46
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OKAY ANDDD??? )) Karma could only yelp and fall to the ground. This woman was decorated in bandages and scars, and her size didn't help her at all. Without a doubt she'd go down at just one hit, she's weak. Dante on the other hand was able to narrowly avoid the stab to the eye..he can't be twinning with Karma after all. He did manage to cut his lip and chin though, and took a punch to the gut. He stumbled backwards but mostly looked to the girl on the floor, with..dare I say..CONCERN? He glanced back and forth from the man to the girl and licked the blood from her lips "The hell you gonna do with her huh? She's the one who stabbed you."
31.12.2023 14:50
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"'Do with her'? Jesus what dya take me for? Tell her to **** off to somewhere safer than with you, asshole, she's practically a ****in kid and you're beating her" Daukius huffed, swinging his knife into his pocket and let his gun stay raised at the ready.
31.12.2023 14:54
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Karma winced as she sat up, wat hing him take her knife she spoke up, raising her voice. She had a naturally softer voice, kinda like when you screamed too much so you lost your voice? But permanently. So if she 'raises her voice' its really no louder than a normal talking volume for most people "N-No give that back!" Dante rolled his eyes, making more distance between them just in case he genuinely decided to shoot. "SHUT. Your mouth." And the woman got real quiet..real quick. She looked at the stranger with pleading eyes though. After all that thing was a gift from her brother
31.12.2023 14:58
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Daukius thought momentarily, looking at the girl. It wasn't a demand for a dangerous weapon, it was moreso A cry of desperation. Pityable. Besides, she couldnt do much harm in that state. He almost felt guilty about kicking her. He sighed. He had his own knife anyways. He idly tossed hers to her, and swiftly raised his gun and shot the man's foot, just in case he tried any fast moves.
31.12.2023 15:07
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Dante was just barely able to dodge and was getting quite annoyed at this game of cat and mouse with bullets. He brought his fists to a gunfight and it wasn't the smartest move he could make. He huffed and raised his hands, letting his arm turn back to normal. "Alright, alright you win." Karma scrambled to grab the precious blade, lifting her dress a bit. That's where she was hiding it. A garter on her thigh..she couldn't help but smile in relief
31.12.2023 15:09
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"Win what? I came to chase you the **** off not for a pat on the back, Pal." Daukius growled. Every once and a while he cast a glance to the girl. To make sure she was alright he supposed, glancing so frequently it was almost like he feared the poor thing was going to wither away any second. She sure looked it.
31.12.2023 15:16
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Dante blew some hair out of his face and rolled his eyes, mumbling sarcasticly "dunno if you got eyes old man..but this is a dead end. Can't exactly go anywhere with you in the way like that." Karma couldn't help bit glance back, she knew this would happen every now and then. But the patrons who helped didn't stop because Dante was beating them half to death...no they stopped because they couldn't get through to that girl. No matter who reasoned with her she always went back to him, no matter the broken bones or busted lips, she always. Always went back. She lacked any other stability in her life other than him. That's what kept this tiresome cycle going. And you could see it in her eyes she had no intention of leaving him just because a stranger was a little nice and spared her a beating
31.12.2023 15:20
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Daukius paused for a moment, his eyes switching from the girl to the man. His eyes landed on the girl's, and they both held a gaze for a moment. He sighed, before asking, "a quick word?"
31.12.2023 15:27
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She bit her lip nervously, the thought of leaving the wolfs sight ate her up inside. She shakily got up rubbing her leg where the man had managed a kick a minute ago "i-im sorry- I really am- I didnt- want to hurt you-" she was coming up with every apology in the book, thinking that since Dante had given in, she was next
31.12.2023 15:31
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"Are you kidding? It's nothing." The older man sighed and rubbed his temple, making sure to keep an eye on the wolf and his gun at the ready. He turned back to the girl, pausing for his moment as his features crinkled with concern as he glanced to the wolf momentarily before turning back and quietly questioning, "Not the safest ****er to be around, huh?"
31.12.2023 15:35
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Dante still stood with his hands up, now his patience was thinning but he didn't exactly like the thought of being shot at again. Despite the way he was acting it was pretty damn painful. She glanced at Dante, who she knew was struggling from pain. She didn't hate the guy..he was just trying to help..but she couldn't help but feel a little angry too. She was at constant odds with herself..let herself be helped or stay in a situation she knew wasn't good but felt so..secure. her lip trembled "i-it was my fault- m-my coffee was hot i-i should've been mo-more careful of course h-he got upset"
31.12.2023 15:38
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Daukius cast a glare to the man, before questioning the girl again. "This a regular occurrence?..."
31.12.2023 15:41
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She got quiet, really quickly. She sorta backed away from him, towards Dante. She didn't know exactly how to answer that. Her thoughts were everywhere 'it's not like he wants to, his temper- it's hard to control- if I had just been more careful, if I do as he says, it's not all the time, he still treats me well' and all she could mutter was "n-not..regular no.." but the marks on her body showed otherwise
31.12.2023 15:46
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Daukius squints at all the marks, bruises and history across her. He growls slightly but his face softens as he looks at the girl's expression. "We aren't done talking, quit with the scooting away." Once within whisper range again, he quietly spoke. "Look. I can offer you two places to stay with two jobs. I know a guy ya could work that'd land you with a cushy life and an easy job. I also know a gal and her group that could offer some coverage and easy hidin along with a decent place to stay, even if a bit rough. Sure wouldn't be as bad as shitface over there."
31.12.2023 15:50
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It's hard to explain the look she gave him, but she looked like a porcelain doll with those blank eyes. She'd heard offers like this before, all she could do was lower her head and apologize. She mumbled "Th-Thank you b-but it's fine. Really..i-im sorry my partner g-gave you so much trouble..b-but I'd really like to get going now.." Dante watched her recite something like it was script and huffed putting his arms down once they got tired but staying in place not wanting to get his ass shot
31.12.2023 15:57
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"If you're sure." Daukius said, although his voice was quiet and almost held the weight of a warning in a way. He glanced over to the wolf. He stood silently. Leaving it up to the girl to walk back to that man if she so wished.
31.12.2023 16:01
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And so she did, without hesitation. That girl had sneaky hands though, if he checked his pocket he'd find an address and a phone number on it. As soon as she came up to Dantes side he pulled her in, truth be told he WAS worried about her, but only because she was out of arms reach in a dangerous situation. He held her tightly and grumbled "let's go now okay? My mood is ruined.."
31.12.2023 16:07
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THE SNEAKY INFORMATION LETS GOO🗣️🗣️🗣️)) Daukius huffed, rolling his eyes. What a waste. Poor girl had no idea what she was getting into, but he supposed that was just her choice and there wasn't much else he could do. He eyed the black stained spot where he had been stabbed in the leg and grimaced. He'd need Alex to patch him up, and even then he'd get a bunch of questions from his other roomates. He sighed, strolling out of the alley. And down the street to under a large tree. He rummaged through his pocket to phone to be picked up, but his hand grazed a thin papery material. He pulled out a napkin and his eyes widened at the writing. He paused. Call/go now or wait?... He felt guilty as he opted to go home instead, but he decided it would be best to be better prepared and face that later, perhaps with the others if he could convince them... He quickly rang his ride and waited.
31.12.2023 16:14
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She's a little silly but she wants out I swear)) The next hours were brutal, each second felt like an hour, and each hour felt like days. Dante brought her home, putting an ice pack over her eye, kissing her head like he did nothing wrong. Any more of this and she'd snap. He finally fell asleep though, his head on her lap with tears as if HE had any reason to cry. It made her so angry but all she could do was smile. Smile and wait. If it wasn't her choice to leave him, then he'd leave her home alone. Her brothers and her cat. He'd focus solely on finding her rather than destroying things she loved. She pet his head, envying the position he was in..getting comforted like that even though he healed faster than her, even though she was the one in pain. Her thoughts were all bitter like this one.
31.12.2023 16:18
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Silly gyal...😔)) Through all the waiting, even if a while, soon enough the number she had hopefully slipped to a stranger had been rang.
31.12.2023 16:21
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it's my turn to beat her up now cuz she's a loser 😔 )) The phone was answered instantly, as if she was waiting by the phone. She was quiet. Quieter than normal. "H-Hello..?"
31.12.2023 16:30
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"Hello?- Daukius what did you say her name was?- oh- Uhmmm... pink- pink hair girl?" The voice that answered was not that of a grouchy old new yorker, but a stuttery and stressed sounding young man, with a soft British accent. Hardly the man from earlier.
31.12.2023 16:33
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Karma stammered a little, in all the commotion she forgot common manners was to introduce herself. She mumbled into the phone, trying not to wake the wolf on her lap "U-Uhm m-my name is Ka-Karma..who-whos..this?" She didn't care who it was really, any help would've been nice
31.12.2023 16:35
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"I uhm. I'm Onyx, with- with Daukius whom you met earlier and gave a location and phone number- I uhm- he explained you're in a rough situation and we are currently- DAUKIUS THAT WAS A RED LIGHT- ****- we are c-curently on our way to the address... Very quickly. A little too quick." He added at the end, his voice sneering disapprovingly at the terrible driving he was enduring at the moment. He sighed into the receiver but stayed on the phone, knowing he was told to.
31.12.2023 16:41
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Karma giggled a little, it was endearing to know that someone wanted to do anything they could to help. She carefully shifted out from under the man's head and laid it on a pillow instead. She mumbled to the phone "c-can you tell him to drive safer..? I-if hate for the both of you t-to get hurt..he's asleep now anyway.."
31.12.2023 16:47
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"We're nearly there, we'll live." This was not the younger man's voice but the familiar gravelly speech from earlier that day. "Onyx pass me the phone, check on the two in the back make sure neither of them have thrown up... Yes they're a little drunk- they'll still be useful!- PRINCEY- check on them already for the love of christ-" a muffled argument briefly occurs but ends. Daukius focuses back on the girl he's calling. "Hang tight Karma."
31.12.2023 16:53
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Karma moved to the bathroom. God she had a sense for these things. She knew any minute now he’d wake up realizing his favorite warm pillow was gone. She locked the door and turned on the tub, looking at the window and whimpering “I-I will..” like clockwork she heard the doorknob jiggling once,,softly,,twice,,softly then a third time aggressively followed by banging “What did I tell you about locking this door!? I ain’t playing games girl. Unlock it.” She covered her mouth and clenched the phone close to her chest
31.12.2023 16:58
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Daukius heard the yells of that bastard and immediately slammed his foot harder on the pedal. No way he was testing his luck by seeing how long he could wait. The stickler now standing in the back of the van as he checked up on his comrades yelped as he was near concusted, but was grabbed and given a soft landing by one of his fellow gang members. All Karma could hear from the phone were some whined curses streaming quietly from a little bit away from the phone and ragged breathing and the occasional 'shut up we'll be out soon enough'.
31.12.2023 17:04
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To be honest she was only focus on his voice, my man’s ain’t careful and she’ll get attached 😞 she whimpered as the banging got louder, this couldn’t wait either, she needed to get out now. She tried desperately to open the window enough but they were on the second floor of an apartment building. Where Dante lived obvi. She winced as she struggled to get through the window without hitting any of her bruises but since they were all over that was going to be hard
31.12.2023 17:15
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Just in the nick of time the van swerves near to the building, The driver eyeing around before spotting pink hair sticking out one of the windows. He drives the van beside the wall, tucking it into the shadow of the building and getting out. Three other figures exit. A tall wall of a dark grey robot, a sharply suited ginger woman and a thin pale blue crystalline boy. Daukius gives a sharp whistle and waves upwards to the girl.
31.12.2023 17:20
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It caught her attention of course, she could barely find her footing on the thin brick cornice. She moved against the wall, trying to make her way to the fire ladder on the side of the building without falling but she looked utterly terrified, barely moving an inch by inch on the wall. She glanced down at the man and his friends..feeling a pang of guilt. If she can’t get down then she’d just wasted their time. She held back as much tears as she could as she tried again, losing her footing for a moment and clinging to the wall for dear life
31.12.2023 17:26
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The taller robot of the group waves up, calling, "hey! Hey- she can't move properly. I can get up there, but we're gonna have to be fast." The crystal male looks at him with concern. "If you mean using your boots they aren't exactly quiet. And besides remember they failed on you last time you tried?- I don't think-" "It's worth a try rather than leaving her stuck up there!-"
31.12.2023 17:34
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Karma watched the both of them, attaching the voice on the phone to the crystalline male. If only she was a little more confident..she tried again. Getting a bit closer to the ladder and trying to reach for it but she was far..far off lmao. She thought if she were to fall that maybe she’d be able to catch the ladder on her way down but it was crazy. That’s when she heard the door to that bathroom start to splinter and crack. He was breaking the door down
31.12.2023 17:36
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The group turned in a panic the the louder bangs, the tallest grunting, "**** it I'm going up there-" Before kicking his boots off the ground, emitting a green glow as he let himself get propelled up to the girls height. He raised his arms, gently speaking, "Hey, hey, grab on I'm gonna get you down-"
31.12.2023 17:42
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Karma looked from him to the bathroom and hesitantly took the strangers arms. Shutting her eyes. She’s terrified of heights tbh makes her ungodly anxious but this felt like life or death. She clung to him desperately not daring to focus on anything but the scent of this stranger
31.12.2023 17:47
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The robot quickly lets himself drift down and lets the girl stand, but still keeps a grip on her just in case she's weak. Daukius walks over and speaks quickly, "Let her sit in the front seat, she can't be getting thrown around in the back, c'mon people into the van- Nate help her into the front." The tallest nods, leading her over to the passenger seat and opening the door for her, making sure she can get in fine while Daukius gets in the driver seat and the others all pile into the back.
31.12.2023 17:55
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She’s kinda in shock the whole time, doing as was asked of her silently. Needless to say she was on autopilot, everyone was so kind..she looked around at them, nervously picking at her nails. She just smiled, something she was so used to doing when she was uncomfortable or scared. She was good at it, it really brightened up her features. You look so pretty when you smile became something deep seated into her and for the longest time she’d just smile even if she was upset. She didn’t even really realize it but she was crying too, and her smile faded. There wasn’t a reason to do that around these people. They wanted to help her get out of that situation afterall
31.12.2023 17:59
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The robot in the driver seat did a double take as he saw her crying. He looked concerned, but gave a softer look. His face still stressed looking and deeply etched with wrinkles and marks but... His gaze, soft. "There's uhm... There's some tissues in the glovebox... Some caramels too if you uhm, want something to distract yourself..." He offered quietly. He wasn't the best at comforting. Hell, any of the ****ers in the back of the van would be doing a much better job. Onyx was gentle- even if mean at first, Nate was kind, Soot was motherly and reassuring, And Daukius... Was just kinda Daukius. He never stuck around people he was close to enough to need to know how to comfort them, not for a long while now, so he just forgot how.
31.12.2023 18:05
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She tried to wipe her face but she didn’t really have the strength to hold it back anymore and had a full blown breakdown, all the tears she felt too scared to shed had decided to bubble up now and explode on her. It almost felt reliving. She prayed to whatever god that existed that this would work. That she’d really be able to get out without fear of losing her closest family members. She didn’t like crying in front of other people though, it was embarrassing. All she could do was nod in understanding and tear nervously at the bandages around her wrist
31.12.2023 18:11
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The older robot's hands tensed around the steering wheel. He's dogshit at reassuring words. Or kind words. Or gentle words. He drives on, but quietly makes an attempt, in a soft-spoken voice saying, "You were very brave back there, and in our first encounter. You did good. Trust me, we have your back."
31.12.2023 18:15
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She turned her head after she had calmed down a little, still sniffling and shaking. Even if he wasn’t the best at it, it’s the fact he wanted to comfort her in the first place that sorta relaxed her. She managed a weak genuine smile, nodding and moving from her bandages to her hair, twirling her fingers around her curls and loosely braiding it in parts just to try and calm herself. She mumbled in her sweet voice “Yo-You said you have Car-Carmels..?”
31.12.2023 18:23
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Daukius glanced at her, noticing her calming down a bit and nodded. "Mhm, the glovebox compartment in front of ya has a few left I think." He sighed under his breath, glad the girl had calmed slightly. What a day.
31.12.2023 18:28
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Karma opened the glovebox to search for the candy he’d mentioned, she didn’t want to be a bother but she thought it’d be no harm just to ask..she found two and opened one, looking towards the driving robot and mumbling “c-can I hold your hand? O-or do yo-you need both hands to drive?”
31.12.2023 18:34
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Daukius tensed slightly. Hands touching. Ew. Ewewew. No matter how nice this girl was he wasn't too keen on setting off his issues. He tried to politely reason- "Well we're nearly there and-" He looked at her and felt guilty. She'd gone through a lot, he could push past some mild sensory discomfort if it meant making the girl more accustomed to her surroundings and feelings a little safer. He sighed and took a large calloused hand off the wheel, offering it to her.
01.01.2024 01:18
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Karma put her hand on top of his, mostly over his sleeve because to be honest she wasn't all into physical contact with strangers. She just knew things like hugs and clenching fists ( or hands) could help your heart best slow back down. She mumbled with a mouthfuls of candy..sorry Daukius but all ur candy is GONE 😔 "Th-Thank you"
01.01.2024 02:19
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Daukius sighed, giving her hand a light squeeze as he steered, coming close to their destination as the rolled further and further into a dingier part of the city. “It’s not a problem.” SHE JUST ATE ALL OF THEM??))
01.01.2024 02:26
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She has an addiction to sweet shit bruh 😞🙏 )) She smiled a bit at the slight squeeze and moved her thumb across his hand, humming softly. This was the most relaxed she’d been in weeks. Her other hand played with her hair nervously, thinking about the destination. She messaged her brother to take care of her house, but didn’t tell him about where she was going and why. Just to take care of her cat and plants. She knew he’d do it without hesitation, but he’d probably freak out if she said ‘I don’t know where I’m going lol’ so she didn’t give him much details.
01.01.2024 02:40
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Soon enough the van goes through a dark underground tunnel. There’s a moment of almost pitch black before they see daylight again. An abandoned housing complex, walled up by towering high concrete slabs all around. They park under an unsuspecting building, visibly as run down as the others from the outside. They hardly lived here? Daukius gently shook his hand from the girls, as if he was doing operation by trying to be so gentle and I unharming- very uncharacteristic- before opening his door and stepping out. The others in the back climbed out too, the thinnest looking particularly shaken. “I hate- I hate rides in the back-“ He stammered, getting a hearty pat on the back from the ginger lady which only resulted in him hunching over and coughing up some bile. Daukius grimaced and gestured for the girl to look away. He glanced at whatever face she pulled at that and reassured, “He always does that, he’ll live.”
01.01.2024 02:52
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She looked a bit disgusted but looked away, nervously picking at her bandages again. She had a bad habit or fidgeting with her clothes hair and nails when she was anxious, making herself bleed wasn’t anything important to her. She kept her head down and stayed by his side, looking around cautiously. She looked towards the other three, wanting to thank who…I’m personally going to assume is Nate..or the tallest guy for helping her down
01.01.2024 03:01
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While Onyx was being picked up by Soot, Nate gave Karma a gentle wave, just glad the frail girl survived. He turned and helped the lankier boy to his feet properly, muttering something to him that earned a smack over the back of his head, but it didn’t affect him much, just making him laugh as he hauled the thinner man along, Soot walking behind. Daukius led the group, and Karma, into the building and up a few flights of stairs. The entire place was damp and mossy and mouldy, with wild nests and vegetation peeking through cracks in the walls and floors of the almost entirely concrete complex.
01.01.2024 03:12
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NATEEE 🗣️🗣️🗣️ NATEEEE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ )) Karma didn’t touch..anything. She knew she’d probably make it worse lmao. She just quietly followed Daukius and looked around fearfully. Her trembling lip managed to speak, breaking the silence “U-Uhm..th-thank you all- f-for going out of y-your way to help me..” she tried desperately to think of things she was good at to do for them so that she wouldn’t feel too guilty about this later on “I-I’m n-not really good at much..b-but I can sew..an-and garden- and I-I’m no-not amazing a-at it but I can cook and clean too- s-so if you need h-help- with..anything..” she trailed off, realizing how desperate she sounded
01.01.2024 03:38
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CALM DOWN- BACK I SAY BACK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️)) “Like I said, I got jobs to offer for you and I’m sure either way you’d be a good help. Don’t worry about it.” Daukius said simply, idly lighting up a cigar as the group continued up the stairwell and huffing quietly. The three behind them were mumbling something amongst each other, but it was unaudible to the two ahead.
01.01.2024 03:44
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GROWLS FOR THE BOTH OF THE ROBOT GUYSSSS )) Self conscious was such an understatement for how she felt. Awkward and uncomfortable, kinda praying that these old stairs would crumble and kill her instantly. She didn’t know if they were talking about her or just talking and it made her ungodly anxious, because she has a heightened sense of smell and hearing. They were so close but she couldn’t hear and that’s what set her on edge. She swallowed and sped up to walk by the oldest robot, just trying to ignore the conversation back there “wh-what kind of job- if I may ask?”
01.01.2024 03:52
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CALM YOURSELF YOU CREATURE)) Daukius waved his cigar idly as he exhaled a drag he took prior. “Well you got with us, which would land you well hidden and protected but you’d have to pull your weight in a gang of criminals- or I could always see if my uhm…” He paused momentarily, coming up with a good word. “Celebrity connection. Requires a new assistant. A cushy easy life. Wether he needs one or not, he’s not one to turn down such a charity case and someone to blab to.” A laugh calls out from behind them as the suited lady snorts “‘Celebrity connection’ my ass. Aren’t you a littlest old to get shy over having a- dare I say, boyfriend?-“ She laughed heartily again, even making the other two men snicker a bit as Daukius rolled his eyes and blushed, grumbling something to himself as he bit down on his cigar.
01.01.2024 03:59
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CRYYING ACREAMINHB THEYRE SO EPIC 💔 )) Karma giggled a little as well, it was cute ngl. It’d been a while since she was in a group of people but this felt natural. She wasn’t good with violence, she had to completely turn off her brain to do so, but she’d be happy to be with the four of them for a little longer. She nervously played with her hair again, mumbling “E-Either one is p-perfect s-so..thank you-“ she had to think about what she said a minute ago..out of sewing gardening cooking and cleaning only one of those was what she considered a hobby. She had practically acted like a house wife to that man her entire life, never really getting into the things she liked. She clenched her fists quietly
01.01.2024 04:08
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THEYRE ALL LOSERS👹👹)) Daukius huffed, turning to karma, his voice softening again as he says, “Well, you can stay for the night without any ties if you need some time to think.” The 5 walk in silence for a time. The three in the back are still muttering to each other, although Karma can Catch the other woman ask the two, “dyou think she’ll manage with the others? Tex will be fine, he’s quiet and stays out the way but Comics a hyper child and Alex… is a hyper adult-“
01.01.2024 04:15
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NUH UHHHHH!!!!! I WANT THEM I WANNA TURN THEM INTO MARKETABLE PLUSHIES AND PUT THEM INTO A MICROWAVE )) She tried to engage in conversation, despite being bad at it, taking a couple steps back to join them. Though she was still shook up, she was still as smiley as ever, goofy ass. She had a perpetual warm smile that was hard to tell if it was real or not. She managed to start up a sentence with her nervous tone “U-Uhm- there’s more?”
01.01.2024 04:23
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HELP WHY IS THAT SO SPECIFIC??)) The woman turned to her, and looked at her curiously. “Mhm. Three. Or two and half if you’re counting the kid. Although then again us right now would be a group of four considering you and Daukius probably only add up to halves.” And audible groan could be heard from the man waking ahead as the lady chuckled before going on, “One minds his business. Not a bother. The other two… quite friendly. Although then again maybe they’ll restrain themselves meeting you. Afterall, Nate’s been awful quiet and he’s usually roped in with the rowdier ones.” She elbowed Nate who gave a little hum and just looked at his feet and blushed slightly in embarrassment for being called out on his usual antics.
01.01.2024 04:28
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THEYLL SMELL LIKE CIGAR SMOKE AND OIL )) She liked the sound of being with more people, not only would it be distracting but it would be safer too. She glanced at Nate and smiled, playing with the ends of her dress again. Her mind was running trying to memorize names and faces, thinking about maybe baking the group a cake for being so kind, thinking about her cat at home and how Dante probably lost the scent trail on his way here. She bit her lip and paused, almost gasping in horror and stopping to bow a bit “I-I’m so sorry! I forgot to properly introduce m-myself! M-My name is Karma it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you all-“
01.01.2024 04:34
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They’re going to explode in the microwave 💔💔💔 Nate prolly also smells like 1542 in one shower gel😔)) The group paused but all gave their own form of polite acknowledgement, wether it be genuine or the akward attempt at a polite smile Onyx was doing. They all spoke, the ginger first smiling as she said “Name’s Soot. Pleasure to meet ya Karma.” The thinnedt just awkwardly mutters, “Onyx.” And the tallest smiles, “Nate.” Daukius had already walked ahead but the two knew each others names already by this point. Finally they reached what seemed to be the correct landing.
01.01.2024 04:49
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HELP?????!!??!? )) Karma stood at the back of the group, taking mental note of their reactions. She’s an observer, usually getting to know people without actually ever talking to them. Just the way they acted was enough for her. She had to admit that she found Onyx to be distant but probably more like her and the woman soot to be the most inviting but least like her. Nate..was kinda hard to decipher, especially since the woman had said he wasn’t acting like he normally would.
01.01.2024 04:59
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Soot walked to the front of the group, opening a door. The building still didn’t look promising until they got inside, where it looked like a completely normal and well kept furnished home, with a small kitchen and living room from where you stepped in the front door, and several bedrooms across a long hall that took up the rest of the apartment. “We’re back!” Soot called, but the previously mentioned Tex, Comic nor Alex did nit answer. Instead a gentle voice from the kitchen. “Back so soon dear? Is the girl alright?” Out strode a simply dressed taller woman of about 6ft, wearing a white shirt and a long mustard coloured skirt that complimented her wild and puffy pale lavender hair. Soot immediately ran up to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, humming, “She got here safe. Best get her settled.”
01.01.2024 05:12
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Karma watched the two and kinda melted..AWWWWWWWW WTF 💔 her tail wagged a bit which she quickly covered with her hands..because..for some reason she thought it was embarrassing. She’s just a sucker for romance tbh. She looked around, it was nice and warm here, and it felt..safe. She noticed there wasn’t any sign of those three they had mentioned before..she was kinda looking forward to meeting them but that was alright.
01.01.2024 05:38
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“Nate can you help with dinner?” The woman asked. Nate nodded and responded with “‘Course Ivy!” And went into the kitchen to help her cook. Soot walked in too, just for an excuse to sit around and chat with her fiance. Onyx and Daukius both kind of stood in the sitting room/entryway to the house. Neither were the best talkers but at least Daukius felt enough pity to make an attempt. Onyx just kept his distance.
01.01.2024 06:41
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Karma took the chance to look around, dragging a finger along the shelf to examine for dust ( she wants to help so bad lmao ) her hair was long though, almost to the ground but stopping at her ankles, as she leaned down, her hair touched the ground and she noticed. She pulled up her sleeves to look for a hair tie and grumbled a little when she didn’t find one, opting to take her ribbons out instead to use as hair ties. This entire time she was careful to listen and stay quiet and out of the way
02.01.2024 02:50
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Daukius, not only wanting to not smother the girl by being the only one talking to her as much, sat down on the sofa and whilst flicking on the TV, spoke, “Oi Princey, why don’t ya make yourself useful and help Karma with the spare room? She can stay there on the air mattress for the night if you move out some of the boxes.” Onyx huffed something under his breath as he was given a chore, but was too awkward about ‘looking bad in front of guests’ to really oppose.’ He looked to the girl and nodded, a silent ask for her to follow him as he walked up the hall.
02.01.2024 02:59
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Her gaze followed him, and she followed him. She’s not too keen about being alone in rooms with strangers, even if they are kind. She anxiously kept her hand near her legs, so she could access her weapon oil necessary. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him specifically, she just didn’t trust people in general. If he took it personally that’d be up to him. She kinda looked around, taking in as much information as possible. Her brain was always in survival mode, always thinking of the doors and windows. How to get out if she needed. She still had a goofy smile though, so it was hard to tell what she was thinking
02.01.2024 03:06
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Onyx just kept quiet, not one to be keen on strangers either. Especially little weirdos who kept smiling. Smiles always freaked him out anyways. He tapped the pads of his fingertips against each other in a rythmic pattern as they entered the room. A small room, filled mostly with unused furniture and cardboard and plastic boxes. “I’ll- I’ll get the chairs, you can get the- the smaller boxes. Anything you can carry just stack in the hall.” His voice was almost constantly annoyed and stressed sounding at its edges- wether he was actually or not- even if he had a soft spoken tone and posh accent.
02.01.2024 03:21
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Karma just nodded, she’d be glad to help even if she wasn’t the most helpful. She wasn’t considered strong or anything but she made up for that in speed and agility. Needless to say she worked pretty fast, mostly out of fear that if she held something for too long she couldn’t access her weapon. She t h o u g h t about starting a conversation but opted not to because..he seemed kinda like an asshole ngl. In a way that was sorta relatable 💀🙏
02.01.2024 03:25
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Onyx just hates people man or he’s just gonna come off really know it all and giddy about. Idk ranting about nerd shit 😭)) Onyx made an attempt at the furniture littered about the room. Difficult considering he too had an agility over strength build and wasn’t particularly good moving anything at all, that was moreso Nate’s job. And yet he still struggled trying to yank a dresser out of the room, scuffing his shoes against the floor in an attempt to get some sort of leverage until his thin arms gave way and he just stood there for a moment questioning what to do.
02.01.2024 03:35
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(( slapping him so hard ( I love him ) )) Karma watched him for a moment before awkwardly heading to his side, she looked a little flustered. She thought to herself ‘it’s embarrassing how I thought this guy could actually do anything’ because..well it was embarrassing. On her part. She didn’t make eye contact for any longer than a second, just because she kinda sucks ass at it. Speaking up for once, enough so that people could actually hear her she put her hands on the other side of the dresser “i-it’ll be easier i-if we do it together..”
02.01.2024 03:41
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((HELP)) He blushed in embarrassment at his own… patheticness. And when offered help he drummed his fingers on the surface of the dresser and opened his mouth to speak, before closing it and taking a pause before trying to speak again, managing a curt, “I- Fine.”
02.01.2024 03:55
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(( he’s so silly he’s just like me frfr (nothing like me))) Karma giggled a little and with his help they….well..got somewhere. It was sorta painful tugging on the dresser with her injuries but she thought it had moved further than it had before. She stopped and looked at Onyx, giving him a small yet..pathetic smile “i-i think we should get some help..”
02.01.2024 03:59
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((He’s just a little weirdo 💔)) “At least we uhm, did something?” Onyx sighed and looked down the end of the hallway, calling “uhm… Daukius? Can you- can you help with the furniture?…” which from the end of the hall earned a very long, dramatic and drawn out groan of annoyance and the sound of someone settled in watching tv getting up off the sofa.
02.01.2024 04:07
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The little lady moved from the dresser, leaning herself against the wall in the hall that was away from the door so she wasn’t in the way. She tucked some hair behind her ear just to play with it but it immediately fell back in place. She wondered if she should cut it, after all it'd probably just get in the way in this line of work but it’d probably grow back to that length in just a couple months ( just a god thing ig ) she looked towards onyx “Th-thank you for helping me”
02.01.2024 04:15
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Onyx flinched slightly at being spoken to but managed a small smile. “You’re welcome.” He said, looking away but seeming relatively pleased with himself. The eldest of the gang appeared and huffed at the dresser. And dragged it out with ease. “There. You’re welcome both of you.” Daukius eyerolled and immediately walked off to return to his tv.
02.01.2024 04:35
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Karmas smile had faded a bit by then, she was tired honestly, today was stressful. But the people she was getting to know were being nice and helpful, helping her ease into a new environment. She went back to Onyx and rolled up her sleeves, trying to share some determination with him lmao. She gave him a bright smile, folding her sleeves to reveal wrists that were worse off than the rest of her body “L-Let’s get the rest together okay?”
02.01.2024 04:44
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Onyx glanced at the damages but knew better than to question. Hell, he’d flew off the handle at Nate a few times when questioned about his own scars and bruises. It would be hypocritical to intrude now. “Of course, of course,” He nodded, moving to quickly get into the room and finish. In his hasted he ended up trying and failing to step over a broken chair and absolutely eating shit by falling flat on his arse. He quickly got up and brushed himself off. He was then just dead silent and buried his face into some box he began sorting out. I love writing him as a complete boyfailure it’s so funny))
02.01.2024 04:53
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He’s so cute I love him smmm 💔💕💔💕💔 )) Karma was kinda intrusive ngl, crouching beside him. Of course at first she walked over to see if he was okay but her concern probably wouldn’t mean much to him since she chuckled a little when he fell. She looked over into the box, just curious about what would be inside, careful to avoid eye contact with him since he seemed embarrassed enough already. “W-Watcha got over here?”
02.01.2024 05:00
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He is pathetic 🫡🫡🫡)) Onyx shuffled eeeeverr so slightly away from her when she neared. He cleared his throat as he curt,y answered, “I uhm. Just records. I don’t think I can throw them out, they aren’t mine…”
02.01.2024 05:06
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Karma teasing time,,)) She noticed him scooting away and shifted closer to him once again, she had no problem getting closer, but he did, which was just..funny to her. She had no reason to but she leaned in and grabbed one, just looking over it, very gently handling it because obviously they’d be important to someone. She was just using it as an excuse to tease this poor guy
02.01.2024 05:09
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He will die 💔)) He fidgeted slightly but stopped himself from shoving himself into the wall, and glanced at her curiously. “They’re uhm- they’re Nate’s I believe.” He stated simply, now kind of stuck looking at records. He didn’t need to sort them, he did that initially to avoid Karma and yet now he was sort of stuck.
02.01.2024 05:44
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Kissing him so hard I mean what )) She glided over the ridges with her fingers, then carefully placed the record back in the box. She didn’t say anything else about it, internally trying to imagine someone like Nate owning records..it was interesting to say the least. She could imagine Daukius,,probably, owning something like this..or that pretty lady. It just seemed like an odd fit for Nate. She didn’t judge though, her father always thought things sounded better on records. She shifted over, moving her hand over his and bringing it up to look at it..not even minding to ask or anything “Wh-What are you- if you don’t mind me asking” rather..blunt
02.01.2024 15:43
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HIM??? OF ALL PEOPLE???)) Onyx put down one of the unmarked records and gave her an incredulous look. He just sat there for a moment, taking a couple blinks. "P-pardon?"
02.01.2024 16:57
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She intertwined their fingers, trying to get a feel for whatever this guy was built out of. Obviously they were..completely different beings and she was just curious about everything. It was important to her to get as much information as she could on a person so she knew exactly how to act around them. Once again she was getting too close, trying to lean in to look closer at his..face? Yes. Face- “W-Well- you’re j-just really pretty..I-I wanna know what you a-are”
02.01.2024 17:05
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Onyx blushed akwardly at being called 'pretty' but cleared his throat and tried to just be factual. Maybe the girl was a bit of a ditz, he couldn't be too rude. Seemed like the sensitive type. "Well I'm uhm, a pureblue... A crystalline, obviously- sure- surely you've seen a crystalline? Yes?- no?-" He raised an eyebrow and drummed his fingertips together inquisitively. Even if she lived about up somewhere where there wasn't that many surely she'd seen at least some? Hell, the species was pretty upper class. Onyx reminded himself not to judge to harshly.
02.01.2024 17:16
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Karma shook her head no, and her face lit up at information being shared. If you ever wanted to rant to someone she was probably the person to go to, she’d get into it and ask questions, like an actual lesson, she was ready and excited to learn. She didn’t get out of the house much, most days she’d be waiting for her boyfriend to get back and if he was out at work for longer than a week she’d stay at her own house where she could be alone..with her cat. And her plants. But honestly get a good look at her and tell me she goes out much, I mean- the way she acts is kinda weird too. “I-I really like the color..”
02.01.2024 18:07
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He looked at the girl curiously, still really ****ing confused as to how she missed out on an entire genre of people, but then again who knew how bad her captive situation is. He let himself feel a little proud of his appearance, a slight smirk on his face as he said, "Well I-I suppose it is the most noble and, dare I day- flattering hue." He looked extremely smug, but also a little on edge. Although he doubted this girl would care he was the supposedly recently declared dead king of an empire, he wasn't really too in the mood to explain that whole shabang or- just in case- if she took the information negatively. You can never be too careful.
02.01.2024 18:21
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Karma giggled a little and pulled away from him, standing up and dusting off her hair and dress. By then she’d sensed she wouldn’t be hearing what she wanted to hear..today at least, so she thought it’d best to drop it. At least she knew what he was though. She glanced down at him, mumbling “..People like you are…in-interesting..” her stutter became less prevalent as she got comfortable around people so win win for onyx
02.01.2024 18:32
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He raised an eyebrow, grabbing the box of records and putting it on one of the few shelves at the sides of the room. "Interesting how?" He asked, wondering if this was some sort of backhanded compliment or something genuine.
31.12.2023 14:31
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Don’t put me back in an era I should’ve never entered. ⚰️💦 I have to rest soon so I’m just gonna- do this for a moment for old times sakes. *a certain man of crime only watched as the one got dragged out by the other while lifting his cup on coffee to his lips and scanned the room for reactions or rather a lack thereof, it was a common thing there in the cafe, Midas was sure judging by everyone’s faces and he’d know, he was a man with a temper himself. But really he wouldn’t go hog wild over a stupid drink but I suppose that was thanks to his anger management classes L. With a sigh not wanting to dampen the mood any more than they already had this morning he decided to stand from his seat, chugging about half of his cup’s contents before setting it down with an inhale to steel himself* there goes my morning.
31.12.2023 14:41
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SCREAMING CRYING THANK U FOR GRACING ME- also the man who makes me tremble 😈 I <3 Midas By then a certain wolf had already dragged our favorite lady into the alleyway. It was dark and damp, filth and dumpsters filling what could've been a void. This city had its features..empty warehouses, alleys with dead ends and the like. This alley was a dead end, right on the side of the cafes building. And small whines and yelps broke the minimal silence that remained in there. It was clear what was happening. But it was bad
31.12.2023 14:58
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*sauntering out of the door without paying he ran a hand through his scalp, listening as the pained noises echoed through the silence. Rather desensitized to such things his expression remained tired but slightly hardened once turning the corner, dragging his feet through a puddle of what he’d only hope to be water he laid his golden eyes on the two in the dim lighting, leaving his brows to slightly furrow at the rather grim sight* having fun? *he called out from the opposite end*
31.12.2023 15:03
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A loud chuckle broke the cries and whines from the softer voice. A raspy but excited voice answered "why, you wanna join?" Sarcasm of course, but desire still dripped from his words. The woman was up against the wall slouched over with a gushing bloody nose and busted lip. She looked over towards the eyes with her own. They were tired. So so tired. And when she saw the stranger approaching they didn't even relax. They got more fearful, more emotional. "L-Leave.." was all she muttered
31.12.2023 15:18
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*his eyes studied the little lady for a moment, slightly tugging his black gloves further up his wrist. There was a pang of empathy in his chest which he hated so his eyes shut for a moment cursing under his breath before opening them again to Dante with an answer returning the sarcasm* As fun as that sounds I’ll have to pass pal. Especially if it’s over something as petty as a spilled drink. *he squinted with disgust aimed toward him, the thought crossed his mind to turn him into gold but he wasn’t fond of that method besides it’d be as dramatic as this situation was but he’d use other ways if necessary* didn’t your mama ever teach you not to hit other kiddies?
31.12.2023 15:24
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The woman's legs trembled as she got up and watched Dante rolling his shoulder in preparation. Righteous people pissed him off. Karma tugged at his sleeve trying to get him to drop it but it only earned her a slap to the face. She winced and backed up while he literally flinched at the noise. His ears pinned back but only for a moment as he huffed out "back up." And spoke back up to the stranger "Listen I ain't in the mood for games today so unless you really wanna do this, I recommend you leave."
31.12.2023 15:38
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*his brows slightly raised at the instant the noise hit the air, he stepped forward his expression darkening at his reply* I can see that much but you should’ve kept it to yourself. I’m not asking for a fight I just want you to quit causing a scene, you’re wrecking the mood.
31.12.2023 15:45
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Dante narrowed his gaze before relaxing. He smirked a bit "sorry for ruining your afternoon coffee then yeah? We'll be leaving." His voice darkened as he grabbed the woman's wrist and started leading her out of the alley, she just gave the man a polite smile as she passed, even with her injuries there were no other words than pretty to describe her. She rubbed her cheek as she turned away
31.12.2023 16:09
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*he didn’t smile back but the look he gave the woman wasn’t a harsh one either, more...bothered. It wasn’t really about his coffee when he finally had a day off about the way he acted toward her despite him being a stranger imposing on their business, he guessed it was just pity* and get those anger issues looked at too while you’re at it. *he added stepping aside a fair amount and watching as the couple started on their exit*
31.12.2023 16:16
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Dante just growled under his breath as he left. She on the other hand. Was terrified. He'd have to wait till they got home. All the more time for his anger to build up and make this 10x more painful than it needed to be. If only that man hadn't interfered..
31.12.2023 16:37
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(Forgive me dear Karma- mafia man will come back for you I promise.😭😭 I apologize for cutting this short the exhaustion is getting to me.) *his eyes followed them as they did leaving himself glaring at where they had been moments before, wishing he could’ve done more for the woman but who was he to? and better yet if he was nosey again what would he do after? It was a thought to ponder but hopefully it wouldn’t linger with him for too long, same with her face. Would he even be better than that man..? Then it dawned on him in his dreary silence, he forgot to pay for his coffee and he’d forgotten amidst the tense situation...maybe he should take care of that*
31.12.2023 16:46
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(( rest well nii nii 💕💕💕💕 )) That man took her home like he said he would..and of course it was like she predicted. For the sake of when nii nii wakes up though, they come back almost a week later, with the woman’s arm in a sling and the wolf trailing behind her like a creep. They were regulars there so of course they would be greeted with kind smiles by the staff. And she hated them. Every single last one of them. Imagining their heads exploding in mush was all that could bring her excitement while she was there. They had all been so close. Offering to help but making the mistake of offering in front of Dante. If she just got alone with someone. anyone…Her lip trembled as he pulled out her seat
31.12.2023 23:59
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Thank you..👍) *Midas was there at the fairly well hidden cafe almost everyday for a brief visit to pick up a drink before heading to work, he had to admit it was a hidden gem with the contents and just the ambience that seemed cosy despite how it looked from the outside...A bonus was not many people came in, it was perfect...well almost perfect. That day he ended up lingering a bit longer than usual due to him spilling a drink stupidly, he quickly moved away his files grumbling as he rubbed the bridge of his nose before going to ask the staff for extra napkins and hopefully another coffee, to go this time. As he cleaned the mess he heard the two enter so he had a glimpse toward the door without much thought only to see the couple, it made his eyes narrow once getting a better look then turned to continue cleaning but a lot slower, he had noticed she looked in a worst shape than last time and it made the excuse of him just being a stranger feel a lot more flimsy which to be frank slightly pissed him off*
01.01.2024 01:21
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Dances because I'm awesome )) The two of them hadn't seen Midas just yet, but they seemed in a better mood than last time and everyone was less tense than usual. Dante was being warm and sweet which usually wasn't like him. He kept kissing her head and holding her hand, getting up and ordering for the both of them so she didn't have to
01.01.2024 02:45
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Joins you because you are—) *once he finished cleaning up the spilled coffee, his eyes traveled to Dante who was busy ordering. And so he took the chance to stroll by her specifically to head for the trash with the excuse throwing away the coffee soaked napkins. Just because things were peachy now didn’t put him at ease, the fact that everyone seemed relaxed gave him a brief moment of second thoughts but the peace felt more off to him albeit only seeing this couple once. When he was close enough to her his pace slowed, his eyes lowering to her with a grave expression*
01.01.2024 03:07
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We’re both pretty awesome ngl )) Getting a closer look, it seemed her injuries from the week before had healed a bit. Her arm was in a cast and climb though so it wasn’t..any better. She glanced towards the man looking at her. Her eyes; despite looking exhausted, had looked to him with excitement and recognition. It took her a second but she recognized who it was and gave him a soft smile and a wave. She was just trying to be polite. But she knew it was now or never. While Dante was focused on ordering, she moved her arm to drop the glass of water they give you just when you sit down, onto the man’s pants. She hoped he wouldn’t mind tooooooo much. She stood up from her seat as the water splashed on her dress as well and spoke with a slight panic “O-Oh god- I’m s-so sorry- here let m-me help cl-clean it off”
01.01.2024 03:28
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*at her kind gesture the man felt a bang of guilt in his chest for not being able to do anything the last time, it was clear he definitely needed to do something. But just before he could resume his walk to the trash can he had his pants watered like daisies, and just before work too. If it wasn’t for the situation he would’ve blown a gasket, he just sucked air through his clenched teeth with a tense figure. His tone was shaky, letting her off* no- I mean- it’s...F-Fine. I’d.. *he huffed, his voice going lower as he watched her get up. Perhaps this was a good thing* ...appreciate it. Lets be quick before your boyfriend comes back, he doesn’t seem too friendly.
01.01.2024 03:30
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Ofc we are. 😎)
01.01.2024 03:32
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She nodded quickly, taking his hand in hers and leading him to the bathroom..she walked into the men’s out of respect for the stranger, getting as many napkins as she could and crouching down at his pants to pat them dry. That was waayyyy too close for comfort, whatever composition she had of herself was gone now, she looked like she was about to cry. Her voice broke as she apologized profusely “I-I’m really sorry- I didn’t know how e-else to- I mean- h-he was right there- god I’m s-sorry I’m sorry I really am..”
01.01.2024 03:58
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*he readily followed her with no hesitation, his eyes cautiously darting around until they entered the bathroom. Once in he watched her seize multiple napkins into her hand and make her way back over. Before he could protest she was already at his pants but he didn’t move away, he only watched her silently with empathy her situation hitting too close to home despite the obvious differences. After a moment he sighed finally understanding and kneeled in front of her putting a hand on her shoulder, ah...how was he going to pull this off* no, no you did well miss- thank you for..that. What’s more important is if your doing alright. Do you need help?
01.01.2024 04:03
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Karma looked up at him. Her hands were shaking. She didn’t really know how to answer that question, she knew it was a possibility that a week from now she’d get upset and run right back to him. But. She nodded yes, some tears rolling down her cheeks. She nodded harder “y-yes-yes please- I-..” she cut herself off, crying was annoying and unnecessary. She was safe for the moment anyway. Her shaky hands dropped to her sides. She felt like she could relax just for a minute.
01.01.2024 04:24
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*he gently patted her shoulder, Midas saw her pause and grew confused but now wasn’t the time for pondering and what not. They couldn’t be there all day so his questions had to be put on hold and he had to think quickly. He couldn’t call the cops because well- he was a criminal and he couldn’t quite run off with her then and there but hey at least they were getting somewhere. He gruffly sighed* what’s your name, darling?
01.01.2024 04:30
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She flinched at his touch, not because she was scared of him, just out of habit. She sort of blanked out though, he was treating her so kindly which she adored..if he’s not careful…she smiled a little, trying to push back any thoughts that weren’t important “K-Karma..wh-what’s yours?”
01.01.2024 12:36
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Karma huh...its a pleasure to meet ya. I'm eh, call me Midas.*he slowly revealed in a deliberate yet gentle manner trying to keep away the hesitation, normally he only permitted people to use his last name but I suppose now was the only exception for the sake of her comfort. Managing a small yet awkward smile in the situation before his hand had left her shoulder* well...Karma, if I'm being honest here I wont be able to run off with you on the spot, unfortunately. Nor can I call the police because..- *he stopped himself from going any further and physically waved off the reasoning not wanting to potentially scare her off* ..but I do have something else in mind so I need you to help me out for this to work, yeah?
01.01.2024 13:48
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Karma scanned over his face, he's awfully pretty..she just nodded and agreed. She was in lot of pain because of last time so she was willing to do whatever she could to get out even just for a bit. She glanced to the door, worried."I-Its alright I'm wi-willing to try anything.."
01.01.2024 15:53
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*he gave a slow nod, his voice becoming more hushed not wanting to risk anything with how much the bathroom echoed* thank you...it’s just a little bit of acting so your boyfriend doesn’t catch on. When we leave we need to go back to our respective tables as if nothing happened. I’ll write my number on a napkin and I’ll come and give it to you, don’t give off any hints that it was planned. *he stood up from his position with a grunt and held out a hand to help her up as well* From there we can just go on with our days, if you’re in any danger anytime then call me and I’ll come. Sound like a plan?
31.12.2023 17:18
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bookmarking so i can do this!! can't right now but will kater
31.12.2023 17:21
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31.12.2023 17:53
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ALRIGHT i may as well write somethin. might not be a quick reply btw. her name's Jess, there's her ref --> -- Jess frowns as she watches, taking a small sip of her hot chocolate. 'that poor girl,' she thinks to herself. she should do something. so, she stands up and walks over. "is everything alright over here?" Jess asks, voice soft.
31.12.2023 17:57
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This woman had stopped them at the door, Dante just scoffed because let’s be honest he has no respect for women and pulled karma a little closer. She looked stunned but came up with a quick response, her voice was nice and soft, matching her pretty face “Y-Yes ev-everything is okay”
31.12.2023 17:59
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Jess looks from Dante, to Karma, and back again. "are you sure? do you need help?" she asks Karma softly, a worried expression on her face. she glances up at Dante, slightly intimidated by the stronger looking man.
31.12.2023 18:07
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Karma kinda looked at the woman blankly and smiled. Not a genuine smile of course. If anything it was a courtesy. “N-No really I’m okay, thank you for your concern. Dante rolled his eyes and opened the door, now pulling her by the wrist instead of straight up dragging her. He was restraining himself
31.12.2023 18:10
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"no problem.." Jess replies, trailing off. her gaze flicks to Dante's hand on Karma's wrist. it's a really tight grip, she notices. she has a bad feeling about this, so she keeps a eye on the couple as they walk out the door.
31.12.2023 18:18
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They leave but head towards the alley instead of towards the street, and in the soft chatter of the cafe and street, a sharp yelp was heard and then nothing afterwards. Dante only had the patience to deal with ONE thing today, and prying eyes wasn’t one of them. People like that really annoyed him and the only way to get karma to calm down and not panic about her calling the police was to..well..knock her out. In his thought process at least. I’m sure a sane person wouldn’t punch their girlfriend in the gut when she freaks out a little too much
31.12.2023 18:29
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Jess's eyebrows raise when she hears the yelp. she gets up and quickly leaves the cafe, trying to find where the noise had come from. she glances at the alley. jesus christ, what on earth was that man doing? "hey, uh.. the hell are you doing, man?"
01.01.2024 01:24
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Dante shot an annoyed glare at her as she held onto the smaller one woman, she hadn't quite passed out yet and just endured that pain quietly. She looked like she was about to be sick any minute though. The man grumbled with his raspy voice "Mind your own damn business don't you have better things to do than bother us?"
01.01.2024 02:16
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"well, she looks, um.. hurt." Jess murmurs. "i'm just concerned-"
01.01.2024 02:19
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That woman threw up, the pain was too much, horrible thing about it is it literally just looked like water, meaning she probably hadn’t eaten much in a bit. She weakly leaned on the wolf who squeezed her a little closer out of concern. He groaned “she’s fine just ill. Now leave.”
01.01.2024 02:25
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Jess's eyebrows furrow in concern. "that's practically water! here," she digs in her purse and pulls out a granola bar, gently pressing it into the woman's hand. "here. you should eat something." she glances at the man, and takes a small step back. "just.. be careful, yeah?"
01.01.2024 02:29
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Karma hid her face from the other woman, clenching the snack in her fist, she knew Dante probably wouldn’t let her have it, it was nothing but sugar as he described. Dante smoothed her hair and spat out at the woman “You’re making her uncomfortable. Leave.”
01.01.2024 02:32
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Jess gives a slight nod. she's still worried, but she also knows that that man could probably snap her in half like a twig if he wanted to, and she'd like to avoid that fate.
01.01.2024 02:38
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Karma gives the woman a small smile, to show gratitude as the hell hound tried shooing her away. There wasn’t much space left for arguing now, they were both down with this conversation, and Dante’s hands kept running through her hair lovingly. He’d probably never admit it but simple things like playing with her hair or laying down with her calmed him down faster than any hitting could ever do
01.01.2024 02:59
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Jess leaves, leaving the two to their business. she wonders what on earth was going on with them.. she hopes that the woman will be alright.
01.01.2024 03:38
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Omg I’m sorry I didn’t see this I thought it was my response 💀 )) Dante watched the woman leave, taking a mental note of her features to watch out for her. He looked down at karma who offered him the granola bar and he just sighed, nodding his head and letting her have it. Darlin girl loves sweet things so she didn’t hesitate in eating it
01.01.2024 03:48
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[lol its fine!] Jess goes back into the cafe, and sits back down. she glances out the window from time to time, seeing if she can spot the people from earlier. she always has been a bit too nosy when it came to other people's business.
01.01.2024 04:06
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Idk how to continue this tbh 😮‍💨 ))
01.01.2024 04:11
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[ragh me neither 😭]
31.12.2023 17:35
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me standing in the corner with no human ocs 🧍‍♀️
31.12.2023 17:43
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Dew it Anyway? My..ocs aren’t exactly human either
31.12.2023 17:57
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Cheering and blowing up Uh alr I'll use them https://toyhou.se/20195611.asnisa (They use She/They pronouns btw) -Asnisa placed their back down onto the table, a sigh escaping them. Their eyes followed the two as they thought about what to do. If they called the authorities, they'd probably be long gone by the time they would arrive. Following them may be the best choice if Asnisa wanted to help the girl though. With a grumble she placed the change on the table for the unfinished coffee and stood up , heading towards the doors.-
31.12.2023 18:01
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HELLLO SO PRETTY?!!?!?!!?!? The man had already dragged her into the alleyway beside the building. It was cold and wet outside, dark in the alley. A dead end is where the alley led, dumpsters scattered filth on the ground. All that could be heard was tiny yelps and whimpers, and a man muttering to himself.
31.12.2023 18:05
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IKR I LOVE THEM)) -They were able to follow them due to their enhanced sense of smell, (because why not) quickly being able to find the rather gloomy alley. They stopped at the corner, already called herself an idiot for what she was about to do-
31.12.2023 18:12
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THEY DESERVE HUGS!!!!)) The girl winced, she had a pretty similar sense of smell so usually she’d smell someone before actually seeing them. That’s what alerted her to their presence, she managed to mumble “Pl-Plesse don’t…” the man froze and huffed, annoyed that once again his day was being ruined
31.12.2023 18:20
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-Asnisa sighed and stepped around the corner, automatically shooting a cold glare at the hellhound."Is something wrong here? Or is this how you decide to treat a lady?" They asked in bitter tone.
31.12.2023 18:25
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She struggled to stand up properly but when she did she tugged on his shirt gently, trying to grab his attention. He just pushed her arm away and looked them up and down in a kinda..who do you think you are..kinda way. Karmas lip quivered as she tried to mouth to them *please go I’m begging*
31.12.2023 18:33
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They caught onto the sign pretty quickly however replied with a shake of their head before walking towards the man , having to glare up at him due to being a bit shorter. "Well?" They asked again.
01.01.2024 01:28
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Dante blew some of his hair out of his eyes and kicked the blood off of his plam. He scoffed and pushed karma to the side, out of the way "It really ain't any of your business"
01.01.2024 02:09
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She raised an eyebrow and sniffed "Really? I think the moment you drew all of that unnecessary attention to you and her in the cafe, it became my business," They said with crossed arms.
01.01.2024 02:13
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His ears flicked as he raised his brow, knowing he’d need to go about this as peacefully as possible to keep his temper under control. He grumbled an insincere apology “Sorry bout ruinin your afternoon tea then” he replied sarcastically “but you really have no business here.” The woman looked at them with a tired look, trying to plead with them to just walk away
01.01.2024 02:19
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-They glanced at karma and sighed. "You aren't a very sincere person are you," They asked rhetorically and turned to karma, their eyes narrowed carefully and non-threateningly as they tried to spot any serious injuries-
01.01.2024 02:33
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It was honestly nothing too majorly…life threateningly..serious, but there were lots of scars and bruises, some that looked quite faded and some that looked a little more recent. The most important thing right now was her busted lip and bruised cheek, any other possible injuries were probably under her clothes. She felt them scanning her and hid behind the wolf self consciously as he glared back at her. He held her hand with great reluctance. “You’re creating more of an inconvenience on yourself. I really do suggest you leave”
01.01.2024 02:48
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HELP IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS)) -They raised their hands as if offended "Listen man, I'm not the one who laid their hands on anyone else," She said with mock surprise-
01.01.2024 02:58
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I’ll drop u a hint pookie, he gets easily thrown off his game if karma isn’t within arms reach 😌 )) Dante stared at them for a moment, then chuckled loudly, narrowing his eyes after he calmed down a little. He thought that they were trying to be sarcastic or yk,,joke around, either way their surprise made him laugh. He sighed and pulled karma in, who looked more afraid of them than anyone else. He took her hand “Although it isn’t any of your concern, she’s just fine and standing straight, see?”
01.01.2024 03:10
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Plotting..)) "Yet her face says otherwise," They said, referring to the bruises that marked her skin-
01.01.2024 03:16
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Patting u and wishing u luck )) Karma interrupted him before he could even speak, he’d probably say a slur tbh 💀 he’s got the shortest temper on the squad and really..really can’t handle setbacks and criticism. He was about to start yelling at this stranger when karma lightly squeezed his hand and spoke up “N-No- uhm- really- I’m fine, I promise”
01.01.2024 03:30
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-They blinked in disbelief, how could she be defending the very same person who injured her? They face palmed lightly and sighed before looking at Dante again. Honestly, this was a tough spot to be in.-
01.01.2024 03:40
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She just smiled at the kind stranger, while Dante looked around..distant and annoyed. The woman approached the stranger and took their hands, still smiling although her entire body was shaking “R-Really- thank you, but I’m okay.”
01.01.2024 03:53
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-Asnisa's eyes softened and she crouched to be eye level with karma. "Be honest with me, does he hurt you often?" They asked suddenly.-
01.01.2024 04:06
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Karma tilted her head a bit, her smile softening as well. Her hands squeezed theirs tightly as she mumbled “n-no..” she was hoping they’d catch on
01.01.2024 04:17
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Nobody's gonna know--They're gonna know /ref)) -They narrowed their eyes and gave the smallest of nods before glaring at Dante discreetly and gently pulling karma further away from him-
01.01.2024 04:23
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STOP I WAS LITERALLY THINKING THAT LMAOOO )) Karma did her best to play along, though it was hard to hide the relief she felt. She muttered “a-ah- uh- why- uhm-“ she stammered. Confusion spreading across her face. Dante caught on, grabbing the woman’s arm and glaring at the stranger “Let her go would ya?”
01.01.2024 04:27
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I'm thinking of something so dumb rn that may not work but it might actually be Asnisa's only choice😭ll
01.01.2024 04:30
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if it’s running to a public area it might work 🫡 ))
01.01.2024 04:43
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It includes that so that's good enough for me!)) -Asnisa took a deep breath and glared heavily at him before throwing a fist forward and punching him, full force in the face ((I apologize Dante)) and pulling karma out of his grip , bringing her out of the alleyway-
01.01.2024 04:53
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He was far too focused on avoiding getting hit, he didn’t even realize karma was out of reach until too late. He panicked, reaching for her but falling to the ground face first. Karma clung to the stranger in a slight panic
01.01.2024 05:46
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-They made it out of the alley and Asnisa thought quickly, recalling the route to a nearby mall and quickly headed in that direction, hoping to be lost on the quickly forming crowds that would begin to rise the closer they got to the more popular area.-
01.01.2024 13:51
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Dante growled as he got up but they were gone by then. She let them lead the way to safety. She trusted them and just them in the moment
01.01.2024 17:16
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-Quicker than expected, they made it to the mall. Asnisa slowed as crowds began to form and sighed after catching their breath. "That was the dumbest decision I could've ever made," Shs grumbled to herself.
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