flipanim editor update ideas.
22.01.2023 15:08
LinkA palette saver/loader - a sort of code you copy/paste into a box under the palette to reload a bunch of colors you used in another animation.
A flip tool- the ability to flip frames horizontally/vertically.
An eraser bucket - a bucket that removes color from an area.
A crayon/spraypaint texture brush - exactly what the title says
A pixel brush - a square brush.
Grid lock - the ability to make easy pixel art but locking the grid into the animation, you can color individual squares.
layer lock - the option to have a specific layer automatically copy/pasted onto all other frames present. (clicking it twice in quick succession would make it so the layer is present on any frames created afterwards as well.)
A text option - the ability to make text and add it to animations.
26.01.2023 00:15
Linkwhy is flipanim not responding anymore?