caty pooom

'Try to get up, lol'

lost memories

Alphabet Part 1

doctor who regeneration

savage kid returns

simple lil animation I did
A warrior cats challenge :D


12.07.2020 15:58

12.07.2020 15:59
LinkFirst of all i just want to say that if you have not read the warrior cats books you might not be able to take part in this. Also if you have only read a few book that's totally fine, i just need you to be able to understand their world if you are going to take part in this :D ty

12.07.2020 16:00
LinkAnother thing i wanted to point out is this will involve actually drawing some stuff so if you have art block or don't really draw scenes a lot you can still join but it might be less fun

12.07.2020 16:05
LinkOkay so. This is not really a challenge, more of a join if you want thing.
For this challenge you will either create or receive from me two or three kit names. If you want to make them up yourself I suggest you make names that are not common or well known, and if you have some original/not used in books ones they would work great! If you are out of ideas i have a paper full of names next to me rn so just ask for some and ill give you some ideas.
Before you decide on names tho you should decide if you litter of cats has 2 or 3 cats in it. Then you name them and think of what they look like. (let's stay realistic here people if your cat's name is Violetkit, idk, don't make it purple) Then comes the real part of the challenge.

12.07.2020 16:11
LinkOnce you have names and appearances, you should give them personalities and make them some refs, preferable all of them on one anim. The refs part is optional but it would help you draw them better ig. Also choose a Clan for them and your good to go!
NOW that you have your 2/3 cute little siblings, your draw scenes of them from time to time. Scenes like them playing in the nursery, getting apprenticed, catching their first prey, getting their warrior names, stuff like that. You don't have to include all of them in each scene tho.
I would love to see your drawings of them growing up and having fun :D there is no rush, but don't start the challenge and completely forget lmao. You could add some plot to their lives if you wanted! These drawings don't need to come one after another, in fact i would prefer if you only did one every day or every 3rd day, i mean they don't grow up too quickly XD

12.07.2020 16:15
Linkanother thing, this challenge doesn't really end anywhere, after you have drawn maybe like 7 scenes and then one with them getting their warrior names together (or not it's your plot ;D) i think you would be done, but you can still post from time to time of their life after getting their warrior names and all their battles and challenges. Remember there is no limit to this challenge!
please post updates on your QTs on your chain on this anim :D before you ask, YES I WILL BE JOINING IN ON THIS :D honestly i don't expect many people to go through with this but i'll try ^^

12.07.2020 16:21
Linka few rules:
-I would prefer it if you made original names not from the series but if you can't find any It's totally fine :D also try not to use the same name as someone else but if you do it's not really a big deal
-Gore is allowed, if you drew a battle or something, but if it's really bad put it 18+ just on case
-you CAN add other characters in scenes but your main focus should be on the sibling's life and not the other cats
-I feel like I don't need to say this but don't skip ahead in time too far when you draw. Don't draw a scene of them getting apprenticed, then the next one is them being a warrior because it makes no sense. You don't have to draw every second of their life, but don't make the timeline unrealistic.
-please PLEASE post the drawings here :D i wan't to see your little BBs grow up <3

12.07.2020 16:23
Linkok done typing

12.07.2020 16:28
Linkdon't be offended if i delete your comment, it might be cluttering up or something. I will NOT delete chains with updates on your kit's life tho :D

12.07.2020 18:33
LinkOH YEAH please don't spoil their warrior names yet ;-; I just want to see their kit names and their description, backstory/kin is fine but i don't really wont to know their future because that's the point of these. It's to make some NEW warrior ocs and go along with them on their journey to a warrior and if you already know what's going to happen it's kind of weird. I mean you can PLAN their warrior names but don't spoil it for everyone else :D
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Personality/Past Experiences: Swanfall is often described as serious by her Clanmates, but once you get to know her properly, she’s graceful, open, and kind. Even at 4 moons, Swanfall was fascinated with herbs and plants, and could name them with ease. The medicine cat at the time, Kestrelwing, had even recommended that Swanfall become a medicine cat apprentice. However, Swanfall didn’t want to, and decided to train to become a warrior, discarding her childhood talent. Nonetheless, Swanfall excelled in her training to become a warrior. What Swanfall doesn’t remember about her past, though, is the time she fell into ShellClan’s river and nearly drowned. Her spirit was sent up into StarClan, but she was revived, as it wasn’t her time to go. To keep Swanfall safe from fragments of traumatic memory, they ended up erasing the incident from her mind. Sadly, there was a flaw in the plan, as now Swanfall has black spots in her memory, and she can’t remember much of her past.
Former mentor: Dawnpelt -see desc. belo

Kin -
Sister: Silverfeather (Silverkit, Silverpaw)
Description - she-cat with darker grey fur with flecks of lighter grey, and brown eyes
ersonality/Past Experiences: Silverfeather is quite charming, and can be intelligent at times. She enjoys the company of her sister, and would die to protect her. However, Silverfeather doesn’t appreciate it when Swanfall judges her personal life, and tells her not to do certain things. She can be a bit headstrong, albeit being witty. Silverfeather’s looks and charm have caught the eyes of many toms, all of whom she’d rejected, as she did not feel anything for them. However, Silverfeather has eyes only for Dawnpelt, her sister’s old mentor. She does not understand that Swanfall doesn’t approve of this at all…
Silverfeather is very oblivious to this fact, thinking that her sister is just jealous, when in fact, Swanfall is not.
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Father: Acornstone
Description - dark grey tabby tom with grey stripes and bright green eyes and a sleek, long tail
Kits: Swanfall, Silverfeather
Mate: Swallowtail
Mother: Brindlefrost - deceased, died by an infected rat bite
Father: Firelight - deceased, died by greencough/old age
Title(s): Warrior, Deputy
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Shy,rude,stubborn,kind toward friends and family
Often nice,energetic,playful,annoying,gets into trouble a lot
Helpful(soon to be medicine cat aprentice),likes healing,hates fighting
(More details in refs)

Ohmygosh, I'm totally doing this!!!
Flurrykit (Male)
Wispykit (Female)
Barkkit (Male)
Mother- Reedflower
Father- Thistleclaw