Rant in comments


13.10.2020 15:42
LinkOk, I know somebody has already said this, but I still see people using this word and I think it is really offensive. I hate it when people joke about these things, its super annoying. Using the word "retarded" and "autistic" in a jokingly way I find super rude. Autistic and retarded jokes such as "Are you retarded, they look retarded" or "You look like a retarded dog" are dumb jokes. You completley lose my friendship for you if you say anything like that. Saying those things can really offend some people, such as people who have autism or retardation. Please dont say these things, its really annoying and rude. Thank you <3
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13.10.2020 15:44
LinkSorry I just feel like I need to get this point across