drago file :3
Tundra and Spwider
Jon From ARTV
bombín blob bob lob slob-glob
Can we get this popular pls?
08.12.2020 18:20
Link- me
I want everyone to hear this
08.12.2020 18:21
Link*TY for fighting
The logo is blocking it
08.12.2020 18:42
LinkI feel like I’m finally getting out of the slump I’ve been in I really feel better and I just am super thankful
It’s the small victories, maybe you took ur meds on time today, pat urself on the back! U did better than yesterday and you can build on that! Ily I hope this helps you a little bit
I don’t know what ur situation is but I hope u know that no matter how much u might disagree the world is a better place with u in it and things will always get better eventually, when you stop to see all the little things you might realize that life is kind of beautiful, definitely, and painful sometimes, but beautiful I hope u wake up tomorrow
It's like. "Good morning!" and the other person says," really? a GOODmorning?"
and then I'm like, "well yeah, I woke up today"