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who is monster? - fnf theory
29.06.2021 16:27
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The fnf wiki quotes that monster appears to be a demonic humanoid creature with a body mostly comprised of black scribbles apart from his neck, which is instead a violet-pink color. He only has two stubs on each hand and foot. His head is in the shape and color of a lemon with bloodshot eyes and eerily large black pupils. Now the wiki doesn’t say his head is a lemon, it says it looks like one. So they cant be a lemon monster...so what are they? Monster has the power to change reality, and thats how the mall got so different for the 3rd song. Monster probably looks different... its just he’s changing his form so you’ll never know. Its most likely that monsters true form will never be seen, ( if this isn’t his true form ) but we can imagine. Lets assume what he looks like from the neck. This is the most usable, because the lemon shaped object isn’t a lemon ( so its unidentifiable what it is ) and the body is scribbly making it look fake. The neck is the most real looking feature. He’s probably purple, with a r-
29.06.2021 16:32
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-round head, normal body, with the same stumpy legs and arms. He probably still has bloodshot eyes, and that creepy mouth. He could also have a mouth on his belly area, just for eat two corpses at once. aight thats all i got
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