03.04.2020 00:24
LinkIt seems like all I see when I come back to this site is drama over the smallest things. People are always getting worked up and arguing over little things. It's complete bullshit. Like, seriously, if that's all you're gonna do, just turn of your device and go take a break. It has no purpose and I wish people would understand that
03.04.2020 00:24
03.04.2020 00:26
LinkAnd then you have people who clearly state that they are venting and aren't being serious, yet people still go "Hey, are you alright?" I don't care if you're their friend or not, just leave them alone and let them deal with it themselves. And again, 90% of the time it's just a vent and they aren't being serious
03.04.2020 00:47
LinkI get what you mean, I don't vent, but I tend to draw sad stuff about other things, I do like when people ask if you are alright, because I did that once, and I got to talk with them, then I forgot about all of this, and they kept drawing vents. I don't comment on their stuff anymore, so tbh, I don't know if they are okay. Oof. I once drew something sad and forgot to put, "I'm alright-" because people on here who have been following me, knew about the stuff I draw, ect. So I get where you are coming from, and agree. :3