Lol, sorry Bobodaedaedude


14.04.2021 23:17
LinkOh no

14.04.2021 23:17
LinkWell this is it

14.04.2021 23:17
LinkHow ironic that this is a picture of a black hole

15.04.2021 00:33
Linkyes, I am well aware. I chose the image for a reason.

guys, guys, i'm not interested in using this for anything other than this. In fact, I thought about deleting this a bit after it went up. That was the plan from the beginning. I actually think that Flipanim should make the beta editor better, and then delete the old editor. I feel that this would prevent this kind of bullshit from happening. I seriously have no intention of using this trick again. I did it just to see if I could. Curiosity is what it was.
I did think long and hard about giving the instructions to pull this off. It's really easy. I believe that information should be free, and our access should be unfettered. I decided I will.
To see how to insert your own image onto the flipanim canvas, watch this screen-recording.
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Don't you see what this site has come to? I used to love this place. It was an unbridled, chaotic social media site. And now half the users are under the age of 13, meaning they shouldn't have an account, and the other half are toxic af. You do realize that more and more people are going to figure it out? It's basic HTML. It's actually simpler than normal HTML. On the bright side, when somebody finally posts the instructions, the sub-13yos will post images like crazy, and Mr. FA will finally have to step in. He'll finally finish the Beta editor, and delete the old editor. Some semblance of normalcy will return here. If somebody posts it, we just have to go through a couple weeks of stupidity, and then it will be fixed and we can put this entire fiasco behind us. Sometimes you have to let the world burn so something better can rise from the ashes. Thank you for listening to my evil villain speech.