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Chapter one of book :3
08.02.2021 17:39
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The bitter cold pierced the dark night’s currents. Willow trees branches whipped around, dust flew everywhere, with an occasional spray of salt water. A large dome of air sat at the bottom of an undiscovered part of the sea. Or, not yet found by outsiders. A small town sat in a corner of the dome, surrounded by dark gray metal that no one in living memory knows what it is. But it kept the town safe, and that’s all that really mattered anyway. In the center of the town, there was a worn, white brick building, about the size of a school, with a web of paths that branch out, leading to small clearing of dorms that rested in a perfect circle. The dorms were made of a collection of sand, mud, and twigs, large enough to only house one person, but somehow, the people in charge thought it was a good idea to make it four people to a dorm. In the furthermost dorm, there were two boys, both the age of 15, sleeping in worn wooden bunks that have been used for centuries.
08.02.2021 17:40
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The bunks had no mattresses, so they slept on blankets that were holey and brown, no one remembered what color they actually were. They both slept on the top bed, but the bottoms looked like others have lived there before, but it had been a few years. The boy on the left bunk’s hair was black and his skin was a light shade of brown. The shirt he wore was a ragged black shirt with worn yellow stripes. His eyes were black, making seem like his pupil was always large. He stirred as a chill unsettled the room. His eyes opened, sat up, and looked around wearily. He sighed, then unclipped a fanny pack that had been clipped to the boards of the bed. His eyes shone bright in the murky light, scanning for something. Or someone. Finally, his gaze fell on the boy in the right bunk. The boy in the other bunk had a long mass of silver brown hair that normally was tied high. He had pale skin and large, pointed ears. He was tall, in a light blue shirt and worn jeans.
08.02.2021 17:41
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He was curled up in a ball, barefoot, his feet wrapped in a strange cloth. His feet were more like paws, and he had claws instead of nails. He scenced the other boy’s gaze and exploded from the bed, hitting his head against the ceiling, and fell off the bunk. The black eyed boy laughed, and shook his head. The boy who had fallen looked up. His left eye was a deep amber, but his right eye was a shade of dark green. The dappled light brought his pale skin into the light, making his skin seem ghostly. He frowned, shook his head to get the dust from the ceiling out of his hair. “ Very funny Chavez. Very funny.” He snarled. The black eyed boy, Chavez only smiled more. “Well Void, if you weren't as much of a klutz as you are, then you might actually get a friend.” Void blinked, offended. “Why on earth are you up at this hour?” Chavez grumbled, and turned his back to Void. “Seriously! I could have slept more!” Void complained, sitting down on the bottom bunk of his bed. Chavez reluctantly did likewise.
08.02.2021 17:43
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“ Well, if it wasn’t so cold!” Chavez complained “I would still be asleep!” “ Ah. The cold.” Void said mockingly, rolling his eyes. “ Why do the girls get the building!” Chavez ranted, tossing his hands up in the air, knocking his hand on the top bunk. “ Because we are supposed to be stronger.” Void suggested with a shrug, trying not to show his amusement. “I'm going to go find my friends.” Chavez stood up quickly, grabbing the fanny~pack once more. He turned to look Void in the eye. “Remember when you had a friend?” “Pardon?” “You heard me.” Void flinched, then said softly, “Adan is still alive, he must be.” Chavez snorted. “No thanks to you.” “Hey!” “You are still here, of age and everything, but still here, when you could have helped him on the death quest.” “There was nothing I could do! You know that!”“You are still here, are you not?” “I- I started training late!” Void stammered, turning a shade of red. “Because no one wanted you.” “Well…”“At least I’m wanted. And I am fully trained.”
08.02.2021 17:43
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It was clear Chavez didn't hear, or at least, he pretended not to. He clipped his fanny pack around his waist, then strode out of the rag shag dorm, leaving Void standing in the dark alone. Void sighed, then tossed his leather bag over his shoulder. On the strap was a badge sewn on of a young dragon holding a shield. Where Void went wrong, he had no idea. But he knew he had a problem. A problem with his eyes, nonetheless. His eyes didn’t reflect light. At all.
08.02.2021 17:44
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{Hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeh done}
08.02.2021 17:52
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this is creative, and cool. I never seen someone do this type of format except in books
08.02.2021 17:55
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Exactly. Its my project. im working on a book. ive been putting it off for three years
08.02.2021 21:07
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Oh cool
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