Baby Papyrus (Cute Warning)
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FlipAnim 2018
Devin the Chicken
guys, I think i've gone-
09.08.2020 13:53
Link-Emotionally blind
One of my best friends died the other day and when I heard the news, I stood there with wide eyes, feeling nothing, and all I could say was "oh no"
Every time that I get into a fight with my family and they tell me to say sorry, I refuse because I just, dont, feel, sorry.
I think being known for being so happy and bubbly on the internet has killed my humane emotions and now I'm just and internet drone that is only capable of learning and experiencing, no more feeling.
Sorry if this feels like a vent, I just had to get this off of my mind.
"think being known for being so happy and bubbly on the internet has killed my humane emotions and now I'm just and internet drone that is only capable of learning and experiencing, no more feeling."
Can you please explain that clearly? I couldn't understand this part
Part of being human is feeling emotion, and after trying constantly to spread positivity on this site and trying to help get myself out of depression, I've slowly slipped back into it and instead of it making me feel sad constantly, it's taken away the human ability to feel, and after having such high expectations for me on the internet, I feel that it only makes this statement worse and kills my heart further. I'm in a good mood but I can't feel happy.