W h y
Say Hello To TUK TUK
Golden Balloon Boi
Losing my mind *-//MEME\\-*
slash322 ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)
1000th animation confession
21.06.2020 01:41
Linkhe’s a furry he’s a furry he’s a furry he’s a furry
Alright, so, I know that this may come as a shocker to a few of you, actually, screw it, to all of you that know who i am and care for me, this will be a surprising factor to hear. This has been my hobby for around 2 years now, and lately it was skyrocketed into 10th gear and quickly turned into my passion, the thing that I'm admitting to at this point in time is that I am
basically I have spent like over 100 dollars on commisions and I am working with my parents to obtain my first fursuit, this is a big deal to me and I hope that you beautiful people on flipanim can still love me for who I have been, and not this one little aspect. Though most of you are very respectful people and are very kind, I know that there will always be that one person who takes things too far, so just listen. It's a hobby and my passion, It is in NO WAY, WHATSOEVER SEXUAL and I DON'T think that I'm an animal, I just simply find it fun to act like one and dress up as one. Thank you for reading this