naughty boy
29.05.2020 05:59
Link[the comment below is not suited for lil kiddies]
thinking of a backstory for he an,,
he powerful villain. runs a gang of some sort. bisexual
first thought was that he gets into power because of the sheer amount of people he's slept with, and his amazing ability to hide bodies/get away with murder
he blackmails people he sleeps with
forced a lot of people into his gang through blackmail and/or holding them to gunpoint
studies black magic and spells. also a satanist.
tragic past:
abusive guardians and friends.
hates losing his control over his world- when someone acts out of line he'll do everything he can to erase them. it makes him feel anxious deep down to know that someone could possibly abuse him again
will I probably change half of this? yes.
29.05.2020 06:00
Linkvrbsj if anyone remembers crash the ferret dude he's going in that story with him so uh yh
29.05.2020 06:00
Linkalso do I want this man to get a redemption arc? yes
will I give him one? probably not :')