Sinny sin sin sin


05.09.2020 04:42
LinkSquirrly: *he waited for the gang to leave then he ran over and broke the chains* A-Are you okay...?

05.09.2020 18:20
LinkCream: im ok...

05.09.2020 18:31
LinkSquirrly: Are you sure? You look hurt...

05.09.2020 18:41
LinkCream: it happens, I'm used to it...

05.09.2020 18:42
LinkSquirrly: *he helps her up* Do you want to stay at my place? I have an extra room.

05.09.2020 18:43
LinkCream: that would be nice -stumbles a little getting up -

05.09.2020 18:45
LinkSquirrly: *he shakes his head lightly and picks her up to carry her*

05.09.2020 18:47
LinkCream: -smoll blush- t-thank you-

05.09.2020 18:49
LinkSquirrly: I do anything to help anyone in need so any time. *he smiled lightly and joyfully*

05.09.2020 18:50
LinkCream: -continues to blush- y-your nice...

05.09.2020 18:51
LinkSquirrly: I try to be as nice as possible.

05.09.2020 18:57
LinkCream: -blushy smile-

05.09.2020 18:58
LinkSquirrly: *they soon arrive at his house, a small house in between two other houses, he opened the door and took her inside* Do whatever you like here. It's a safe haven.

05.09.2020 19:03
LinkCream: o-ok- -they would go over to the couch and lay down on it, hugging a pillow-

05.09.2020 19:04
LinkSquirrly: *he sat down next to her and turned on the T.V.* Do you need some clothes?

05.09.2020 19:06
LinkCream: these are the only closes I can wear, I have tried on most sizes, they don't fit...

05.09.2020 19:07
LinkSquirrly: Well I could probably make some, could you take them off so I can see the size?

05.09.2020 19:10
LinkCream: s-sure- -big blush-
-lifts off the shirt, she had no braw on, her tits showing now-

05.09.2020 19:11
LinkSquirrly: *he twitched lightly when he saw them and he looked at them in awe* They're huge!

05.09.2020 19:12
LinkCream: i- uh- t-thank you- -blush le more-
-hands over her shirt, it was made to tightly fit her to show her breasts, most likely by the gang-

05.09.2020 19:13
LinkSquirrly: *he shook his head and looked at the labels* This is a small shirt for you. I'll make a bigger one.

05.09.2020 19:15
LinkCream: o-ok-
-hugs onto the pillows around her siting up now-

05.09.2020 19:16
LinkSquirrly: *he looks at her and smiles* Want to take a bath? You look and smell dirty. No offense.

05.09.2020 19:17
LinkCream: s-sure, its a-alright
-smiles shyly as she gets up and undresses to go take a bath-

05.09.2020 19:18
LinkSquirrly: Mind if I join you? *he smiled a bit*

05.09.2020 19:19
LinkCream: i d-dont mind- -mega blush-

05.09.2020 19:21
LinkSquirrly: *he undressed and popped his neck, he had a massive boner* Oh...well...that happened.

05.09.2020 19:22
LinkCream: i-its fine- *giggles a little as she tries to find the bathroom*

05.09.2020 19:24
LinkSquirrly: *he points her in the direction of the bathroom and opens the door for her, he walked to the bathtub and turned on the water*

05.09.2020 19:25
LinkCream; o-oh its there-
-she would walk in, tail wagging just a little -

05.09.2020 19:26
LinkSquirrly: *the tub was filled and he had gotten in already, waiting for her*

05.09.2020 19:27
Link-cream would clime in slowly, sitting in the water-

05.09.2020 19:29
LinkSquirrly: *he tilted his head and took her hand lightly* It'll be okay, I'll keep you safe from them.

05.09.2020 19:30
LinkCream; t-thank you, a-again
-she seemed to hesitate before saying it. either way, she would wash herself gently-

05.09.2020 19:31
LinkSquirrly: *he nodded and sat down in front of her, leaning against her gently to not hurt her*

05.09.2020 19:32
LinkCream: -she would blush again, tail waging gently in the water-

05.09.2020 19:33
LinkSquirrly: You're a cutie.~ *he said it in a good way*

05.09.2020 19:34
LinkCream: -b l u s h f l u f f -

05.09.2020 19:35
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and laughed a bit before kissing her lightly*

05.09.2020 19:36
LinkCream: -she would kiss him back, her tail wagging a little more-

05.09.2020 19:36
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled her into his lap and purred while they kissed*

05.09.2020 19:38
LinkCream: -her eyes seemed to spark as they continued, her tail seemed to splash the water, but just a little-

05.09.2020 19:39
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled away and purred lightly*

05.09.2020 19:40
LinkCream: -her eyes were wide, as she continued to blush, she didn't say a word-

05.09.2020 19:41
LinkSquirrly: Are you okay...?

05.09.2020 19:42
LinkCream: y-yea
-continues to be in place, eyes wide-

05.09.2020 19:43
LinkSquirrly: Are you sure?

05.09.2020 19:44
LinkCream; mhm-
-she would nod, getting out of her trance thingy-

05.09.2020 19:45
LinkSquirrly: ...Do...Do you want to um...have sex with me? *he seemed shy to get that out of him and coughed after he said it*

05.09.2020 19:46
LinkCream: -she looked like she wanted to say yes but couldn't get it out, so she just nodded a lot-

05.09.2020 19:47
LinkSquirrly: *he blinked and smiled lightly, pulling her close and hugging her tight*

05.09.2020 19:48
LinkCream: -she would hug him as well, her tail continued to wag-

05.09.2020 19:48
LinkSquirrly: Oh! I forgot...what's your name?

05.09.2020 19:50
LinkCream: i-its cream...

05.09.2020 19:51
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled* Nice name, my name is Squirrly.

05.09.2020 19:52
LinkCream: t-thank you, y-your name i-is also n-nice-

05.09.2020 19:53
LinkSquirrly: Thanks. *he held onto her ass lightly and pulled her close*

05.09.2020 19:56
LinkCream: -her eyes would spark up again, as she allowed him to do whatever-

05.09.2020 19:57
LinkSquirrly: *he looked at her and frowned, then shrugged and slipped it into her*

05.09.2020 19:58
LinkCream: ah~
-she would moan slightly ash it went inside-

05.09.2020 19:59
LinkSquirrly: *he looked at her and smiled a bit* Is it too big?

05.09.2020 20:01
LinkCream: n-no~
-her eyes were lustful as she blushed even more-

05.09.2020 20:02
LinkSquirrly: *he held onto her ass and gripped it while thrusting it into her deeply*

05.09.2020 20:04
Link(Okie VwV)
Cream: ahhh~!
-she would moan more with each thrust-

05.09.2020 21:01
LinkSquirrly: *he ****s her harder and harder*

05.09.2020 21:12
LinkCream: -she would moan more as her pussy would massage his dick, her tits bouncing as he thrusted into her-

05.09.2020 21:13
LinkSquirrly: *he came inside of her hard and moaned loudly, as he came he bloated her stomach with it*

05.09.2020 21:18
LinkCream: ahhh~!!!
-the cum jetted inside her and sloshed around, her tail waged more as she blushed harder, her pussy continued to massage his dick like it was asking for more~ -

05.09.2020 21:19
LinkSquirrly: *he continued to cum inside of her and inflate her more and more, her stomach was reaching his by now*

05.09.2020 21:22
LinkCream: hhhhh~!
-the cum would enter her stomach and woom, sloshing around in both of them as she became inflated, she panted lustfully and moaned with each shot of cum inside her-

05.09.2020 21:23
LinkSquirrly: *he soon finished and he panted heavily, leaning back and almost falling asleep*

05.09.2020 21:27
LinkCream: -she would look down at her inflated stomach, his dick was still inside her, continuing to be squeezed and massaged by her walls. her would poke at her belly her eyes lust-filled-

05.09.2020 21:28
LinkSquirrly: *he grunted and a whole load spilled out into her, bloating her even more*

05.09.2020 21:35
LinkCream: ahhh~
-she would grip him gently as she moaned, her tail waging-

05.09.2020 21:36
LinkSquirrly: *he moaned and smiled a bit, pulling it out and pressing it against her ass*

05.09.2020 21:37
LinkCream: -she would smile at him, hugging him a little-

05.09.2020 21:38
LinkSquirrly: *he hugged back and pushed it deep into her ass, it throbbed violently inside of her*

05.09.2020 21:39
LinkCream: ahhh~! hhh~
-she gripped onto him again, her tits squishing onto him gently like pillows-

05.09.2020 21:42
LinkSquirrly: *he licked one of her nipples and smiled while thrusting it into her hard*

05.09.2020 21:43
LinkCream: hhhh~!
-she would pant happily as it thrust inside her, her tits jiggling with each push-

05.09.2020 21:45
LinkSquirrly: *he put his mouth over one of her nipples and started sucking while thrusting into her even harder*

05.09.2020 21:51
LinkCream: -her tail would wag as he thrust inside her, her milk tasting warm and thick-

05.09.2020 21:52
LinkSquirrly: *he purred and swallowed it while cumming inside of her ass hard*

05.09.2020 21:53
LinkCream: hhh~!
- she would grip him gently as he came inside her-

05.09.2020 21:55
LinkSquirrly: *he continued to swallow her milk as he pulled his dick out of her*

05.09.2020 21:59
LinkCream: -she would moan softly, falling asleep on his chest from the excitement, her tail continuing to wag, her face blushing hard-

05.09.2020 22:00
LinkSquirrly: *he let go of her tit and smiled lightly, kissing her forehead and turning off the water*

05.09.2020 22:01
LinkCream: -she would do a dog purr thing, griping him gently in her sleep, the cum inside her sloshing around and turning her on more as he moved-

05.09.2020 22:05
LinkSquirrly: You're so cute. I'm glad I rescued you. *he held her in his arms gently and leaned his head back*

05.09.2020 22:06
LinkCream: -she continued to do her purr thing, she felt like a large squishy soft pillow-

05.09.2020 22:08
LinkSquirrly: *he picked her up, which was harder to do than when he first picked her up, and dried her off, then he carried her to bed and covered her up*

05.09.2020 22:11
LinkCream: -she flumped onto the bed when he put her down, her belly and tits jiggling a little when sat down-

05.09.2020 22:18
LinkSquirrly: *he laid down next to her and fell asleep*
(I like the MUTO, they seem cool.)

05.09.2020 22:34
Link(ikr, just a quick idea. sorry for deleting it, I was going threw an angy with myself faze TwT)
Cream: -her purring would become soft snoring as she slept, the cum inside her digesting-

05.09.2020 22:48
Link(They're awesome. I loved that rp we did.)
Squirrly: *he snored lightly*

05.09.2020 22:52
Link( VwV)
-time skip?-

05.09.2020 23:19

05.09.2020 23:25
Link-le morning time-
Cream: -her stomach was less inflated, but still was somewhat bloated with about a bucket load of cume inside sloshing around, she was still asleep, and still seemed horny-

05.09.2020 23:28
LinkSquirrly: *he woke up and yawned, sitting up and looking around* ...

05.09.2020 23:29
LinkCream: -she still had a little bit of a belly on her, and was wrapped up in a blanket, blushing-

05.09.2020 23:29
LinkSquirrly: *he looked at her and smiled* Cute little burrito.

05.09.2020 23:31
LinkCream: -small tail wag out of the burrito-

05.09.2020 23:31
Squirrly: *he laid back down and hugged her, holding her close to him*

05.09.2020 23:34
Link(b e a n)
Cream: -she would do her dog purr thing again, she felt like a cum filled pillow-

05.09.2020 23:35
LinkSquirrly: Man I filled you up good...I bet you like that.
(Much bean.)

05.09.2020 23:44
LinkCream: -her tailed waged a little more like it was an answer-

05.09.2020 23:44
LinkSquirrly: *he laughed a bit and kissed her cheek before getting up and going to the kitchen*

05.09.2020 23:52
LinkCream: -After a little while she would wake up, sitting up like a burrito and looking around a little -

06.09.2020 00:18
LinkSquirrly: *he was makin breakfast in the kitchen*

06.09.2020 00:20
LinkCream: -walks out still wrapped up like a burrito, her eyes were still sparked in some way, and her belly was still visible threw the blanket-

06.09.2020 00:21
LinkSquirrly: Hey there hon. *he looks up at her for a second then back at the food*

06.09.2020 00:27
LinkCream: h-hey
-shyly sits down at the table-

06.09.2020 00:27
LinkSquirrly: Are you hungry?

06.09.2020 00:30
LinkCream: a l-little, not that much tho...
-she would look around, and poked at her stomach a little-

06.09.2020 00:32
LinkSquirrly: *he nodded* Just want like a slice of bacon or something?

06.09.2020 00:33
LinkCream: y-yea!
- wags tail at the word bacon-

06.09.2020 00:33
LinkSquirrly: *he walks over and hands a strip of bacon to her* Here you go.

06.09.2020 00:36
LinkCream: -noms nom-

06.09.2020 00:38
LinkSquirrly: *he laughs a bit* Everything you do is so cute!

06.09.2020 00:38
LinkCream: -smoll blush as they continue to eat the strip of bacon-

06.09.2020 00:40
LinkSquirrly: *he smiles then goes back to work on his food*

06.09.2020 00:49
LinkCream: -they would finish up the bacon, her belly grew just a little bit with the added food, she could feel the cum still sloshing around inside her and it made her blush a bit-

06.09.2020 00:49
LinkSquirrly: You okay?

06.09.2020 00:52
LinkCream: m-mhm-
-she would nod a little, continuing to blush-

06.09.2020 00:52
LinkSquirrly: You're still filled up aren't you?

06.09.2020 00:53
LinkCream: -she would nod shyly at him-

06.09.2020 00:54
LinkSquirrly: There's no need to be shy around me, I'm not a torturer.

06.09.2020 01:54
Link(sorry afk for a bit)

06.09.2020 04:38
Link(Is okay)

06.09.2020 10:06
Link(bacc VwV)
Cream: -she would continue to blush and look away from him a little, she was just an awkward person with a lust problem-

06.09.2020 13:05
LinkSquirrly: *he walked over and crouched down beside her, taking her hand and smiling* I'm not going to hurt you. I promise.

06.09.2020 14:24
LinkCream: -she would smile shyly to him-
thank you...

06.09.2020 14:24
LinkSquirrly: Any time love.

06.09.2020 14:31
LinkCream: -flustered noises-

06.09.2020 14:32
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and kissed her cheek* Love you.

06.09.2020 14:34
LinkCream: -small flustered sweak- l o v e y o u t o-

06.09.2020 14:37
LinkSquirrly: *he got up and walked back to make his food, he put it on a plate and took the seat next to her*

06.09.2020 14:45
LinkCream: -she would just sit quietly, continuing to blush because of the slowly dissolving cum pooling inside her-

06.09.2020 14:47
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled her into a tight hug and purred*

06.09.2020 14:51
LinkCream: -soft dogo purrs, she felt like a squishy pillow-

06.09.2020 14:52
LinkSquirrly: *he looked into her eyes and smiled* Your eyes are like crystals. I love them.

06.09.2020 14:54
LinkCream: t-thank you-
yours are cool too, t-there very glowy-
-le blush-

06.09.2020 14:55
LinkSquirrly: (Brb) *he kisses her forehead and purrs* Thank you.

06.09.2020 14:56
Link(mk VwV)
Cream: -big blushy-
n-no problem-

06.09.2020 15:42
LinkSquirrly: *he cuddled her and purred*

06.09.2020 16:14
LinkCream: -she would hug him back, her cum filled belly squishing gently against him-

06.09.2020 16:45
LinkSquirrly: You're a hug lover aren't you?

06.09.2020 17:14
LinkCream: m-maybe~
-continues to hug them-

06.09.2020 18:13
LinkSquirrly: *he hugs her tighter and purrs more* I am too.

06.09.2020 18:16
LinkCream: -she would smile shyly at him, her eyes still had a hint of lust, maybe she's always like that?-

06.09.2020 21:12
LinkSquirrly: *he kisses her and smiles*

06.09.2020 21:28
LinkCream: -blush size mega-

06.09.2020 21:41
LinkSquirrly: Could I call you my girlfriend...?

06.09.2020 21:58
LinkCream: i- i- uhh- s-sUre-
-flustered noises-
-her tail would wag a bit, making the cum inside her woom and stomach jostle around making her very horny-

06.09.2020 22:02
LinkSquirrly: *he sighed and looked at her* Do you want to **** again?

06.09.2020 22:06
LinkCream: m-maybe-
-looks away a bit, a little embraced-

06.09.2020 22:06
LinkSquirrly: There's no need to be embarrassed, it's a normal thing to be horny. *he starts taking off his pants*

06.09.2020 22:08
LinkCream: -she would stand up off him and would get undressed, she wasn't really dressed up in the first place-

06.09.2020 22:09
LinkSquirrly: *he hugged her tight and pushed his dick between her thighs*

06.09.2020 22:10
LinkCream: -she already felt a bit wet underneath, and she blushed more, her eyes getting more lustful-

06.09.2020 22:13
LinkSquirrly: *he picked her up and pulled her legs over his shoulders* Ready?

06.09.2020 22:15
LinkCream: ah- mhm-
-she would get into a somewhat comfterble position, and allow him to start whenever he felt~ -

06.09.2020 22:17
LinkSquirrly: *he pushed it inside of her and started thrusting it deep into her, wrapping his arms around her back to keep her in place*

06.09.2020 22:19
LinkCream: ahh~! hh~!
-she would moan with each thrust, her pussy walls squeezing against his dick massaging it again but wetter-

06.09.2020 22:20
LinkSquirrly: *he moaned loudly and stumbled over to the couch, laying her down and thrusting it into her harder*

06.09.2020 22:23
LinkCream: -she continued to moan in pleasure, her tits bouncing as he thrust inside her-

06.09.2020 22:24
LinkSquirrly: *he pushed it deep into her with each thrust and he moaned loudly with each thrust*

06.09.2020 22:26
LinkCream: ahh~!! hhh~!!
-her pussy seemed to stretch to make room for any dick size, but it continued to contract to massage it more and more, the cum from last night could be felt moving around constantly like a current inside her, near her pussy-

06.09.2020 22:28
LinkSquirrly: *he pushed it deeper into her and it poked the top of her womb, tickling her*

06.09.2020 23:24
LinkCream: ahhh~ hhh~!
-her pussy continued to massage his dick tightly, and as his dick entered her woom some cum would drip a little, making her even wetter-

07.09.2020 01:22
LinkSquirrly: *he came hard inside of her and he moaned loudly in joy*

07.09.2020 16:35
-it would start to fill her up more, the cum jetting inside her woom making her moan and quiver in pleasure-

07.09.2020 16:42
LinkSquirrly: *he leaned over he as he came and wrapped his arms around her*

07.09.2020 17:11
LinkCream: hhh- hhh~!
-she continues to quiver in pleasure, griping the floor as he came-

07.09.2020 17:15
LinkSquirrly: *he came more and more into her*

07.09.2020 17:27
LinkCream: -her woom would become more and more filled up with how much cum he was jetting inside, her belly becoming more and more inflated with the cum jetting inside, her pussy walls massaging and tightening around his dick-

07.09.2020 17:57
LinkSquirrly: *he finished and purred*

07.09.2020 21:58
LinkCream: -she would pant lustfully, her face extremely blushing-

07.09.2020 22:09
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled it out of her and laid down next to her* Think you'll get pregnant?

07.09.2020 22:16
LinkCream: m-maybe
-she would flop on the ground next to him, her cum filled belly jiggling when she did so-

07.09.2020 22:39
LinkSquirrly: I hope so.

07.09.2020 23:45
LinkCream: -continues to blush, their tail would wag a little-

08.09.2020 15:11
LinkSquirrly: I really want a child...

09.09.2020 11:32
LinkCream: i-it m-might happen
-shy bean blush-

19.09.2020 03:38
LinkSquirrly: I hope so, and I would love to have that child with you. *he smiled and hugged her tight*

19.09.2020 12:37
Link( your bac :0 )
-she would smile a little and hugged him back. her breasts and belly squishing against him-

19.09.2020 12:48
Link(Yesh, I have returned from hell.)
Squirrly: *he purred and cuddled her*

19.09.2020 12:59
Link( VwV, don't we already live in it )
Cream: -cuddle beans-

19.09.2020 13:00
Squirrly: You're so cute. And nice. I love that.

19.09.2020 13:01
Link(tehe owo)
Cream: y-your nice as well-

19.09.2020 13:03
Link(What was the tehe for? "owo)
Squirrly: I'm glad I freed you from those chains...I hate seeing others helpless...

19.09.2020 13:16
Link(for teh fact that life is hell and hell is life, UwU)
Cream: t-thank you for that... I a-also don't like s-seeing other people helpless...
-they would fidget slightly-

19.09.2020 13:19
Link(:O You're right!)
Squirrly: *he purred more then turned on the t.v.* Do you know the game Borderlands?

19.09.2020 13:21
Link( vwv)
Cream: n-no? I haven't watched t-tv that much...
-they would sit up a bit, the cum sloshing around again slowly digesting, she blushed a bit-

19.09.2020 13:22
LinkSquirrly: Well maybe you can try it, I just got it a few weeks ago. *he got up and put the disk in the xbox*
(There is something I need to say but I don't know much about it.)

19.09.2020 13:24
Link(you can say it, I won't judge :< )
Cream: o-ok, it sounds interesting
-they would sit down comfterbly-

19.09.2020 13:25
Link(So um...I may or may not have a crush on someone, but you'll have to figure who that someone is.)
Squirrly: It is, you wanna try it? *he looks at her and smiles*

19.09.2020 13:29
Link(h m m m)
Cream: s-sure!
-happy bean noises-

19.09.2020 13:30
Link(Let's see if you can guess.)
Squirrly: You're so cute! I love it! *he laughed a bit and started the game for her*

19.09.2020 13:32
Link(twinklebaby? I feel flustered-)
Cream: - they would mess around with the controller, tapping at it and just looking at it from different angles-

19.09.2020 13:34
Squirrly: *he pointed to the controls* I'll take you to the directions.

19.09.2020 13:37
Link( m e ? )
Cream: o-ok
-they would look at the screen like it was something new and amazing-

19.09.2020 13:39
Squirrly: *he took the controller with his hands on hers then started to go to the controls*

19.09.2020 13:41
Link( 😳)
Cream: -they would watch closely, paying attention to the control directions and stuff-

19.09.2020 13:43
Squirrly: *once they finished reading he smiled* Think you're ready for some mayhem?

19.09.2020 13:48
Link(why sorry...?)
Cream: y-yea!
-exited ye-

19.09.2020 13:49
Link(Because I know you don't feel the same way. ;w;)
Squirrly: Good. *he started the game*

19.09.2020 13:53
Link(i do-, it's just that I have problems with commitment-😳👌 )
Cream: -excitedly starts at game waiting for -

19.09.2020 13:54

19.09.2020 13:55
*instantly a psycho attacks her*
Squirrly: Shoot at him.

19.09.2020 13:58
Link( y e s - )
Cream: ahHh-
-shoots mayhem-

19.09.2020 14:00
Link(Well...maybe I can help you with that?)
Squirrly: *he smiled a bit* Gruesome death but it was worth it.
*The psycho explodes into a cloud of red mist*

19.09.2020 14:03
Link( u///u )
Cream: do people really d-do that?- p-poof into mist?-
-innocent bb-

19.09.2020 14:04
LinkSquirrly: Yeah, but only if they have enough impact put onto them, trust me I know from experience.

19.09.2020 14:10
LinkCream: o-ok
-shoots at some enimys with not that good aim-

19.09.2020 14:12
LinkSquirrly: *he helps her a bit* There, is that better?

19.09.2020 14:14
LinkCream: y-ye!
-shoots at some moe enemies and doing stuff in the game-

19.09.2020 14:15
LinkSquirrly: *he got up to get something before someone knocked on the door* ...

19.09.2020 14:17
LinkCream: - they would dive into the blankets noting she was still unclothed-

19.09.2020 14:18
LinkSquirrelly: *he put on some pants and walked to the door, opening it slowly* Yes?
Gangster: Where is she?

19.09.2020 14:19
LinkCream: -frozen in place, seems to have a small PTSD attack and unmoving-

19.09.2020 14:20
LinkSquirrly: Who are you talking about?
Gangster: Cream, where is she?!

19.09.2020 14:20
Link(I'll be back)

19.09.2020 14:21
Link(okie VwV)
cream: - covers face and hides in the pile of blankets-

19.09.2020 15:23
LinkSquirrly: I don't know what you are talking about.
Gangster: We saw you where we dropped her off, where is she?!

19.09.2020 15:50
LinkCream: -they would make a small whimper noise-

19.09.2020 15:59
LinkGangster: *he heard her and shoved his way in*
Squirrly: *he pushed him back out and growled*

19.09.2020 16:36
LinkCream: -she would jump up and ran into a random room in the house as soon as she herd the gangster trying to get in, her back fur was fluffed up to max out of tension-

19.09.2020 16:38
LinkGangster: *he pushed back in and ran after her*
Squirrly: *he growled louder and grabbed the guy by the back of his shirt, throwing him back out the door* STAY OUT!

19.09.2020 16:40
LinkCream: -yelling from a random room-
-she seemed scared and extremely pissed off-

19.09.2020 16:43
LinkGangster: *he ran back in and busted into the room*
Squirrly: *he twitched and was instantly behind him, he snapped his neck and ripped off his head* ...

19.09.2020 16:53
LinkCream: -stares at them with wide scared eyes in the corner of the room, still with a blanket covering them, even though you could still see there belly and brests poke threw a little-

19.09.2020 17:14
LinkSquirrly: Are you okay?

19.09.2020 17:29
LinkCream: i-im fine...
-stands up a little bit, holding onto some boxes-

19.09.2020 17:53
LinkSquirrly: *he hugs her tight and cries* I thought I was going to lose you...

19.09.2020 18:33
LinkCream: -small Lil panic hug-

19.09.2020 18:38
LinkSquirrly: I...I love you...

19.09.2020 18:54
LinkCream: i- l-love you to...
-tail wags a little, their blanket would fall off them while hugging-

19.09.2020 19:06
LinkSquirrly: *he purred and cuddled her*

19.09.2020 19:23
Link-cuddle bean-

19.09.2020 19:25
LinkSquirrly: *he started crying and held onto her tight*

19.09.2020 19:27
LinkCream: h-huh?
-confusion on why there crying-

19.09.2020 19:28
LinkSquirrly: I don't want you to be taken...I don't want you to leave me like so many others have...

19.09.2020 19:29
LinkCream: i-i wont- trust me-
-worried about them-

19.09.2020 19:30
LinkSquirrly: *he cried more and nodded, trusting her*

19.09.2020 20:58
LinkCream: -hug teh bb-

19.09.2020 20:59
LinkSquirrly: *he hugs back and cries more*

19.09.2020 21:14
LinkCream: -continues to hug, patting there back comfterbly-

19.09.2020 21:15
LinkSquirrly: *he soon calmed down and the crying turned to light whimpers*

19.09.2020 21:27
LinkCream: -pat pats calming them down-

19.09.2020 21:28
LinkSquirrly: *he looks at her face then kisses her deeply*

19.09.2020 22:26
Link-big blush, they would kiss back as well tail waging-

19.09.2020 23:58
LinkSquirrly: *he purred as they kissed*

20.09.2020 00:07
Linkcream: -purrs as well, continuing to kiss-

20.09.2020 00:08
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled away and smiled*

20.09.2020 00:24
Link-smiles back shyly and blushy-

20.09.2020 00:26
LinkSquirrly: *he holds her hands gently and smiles more* I'm glad you stayed...I don't know what I would do...

20.09.2020 00:44
LinkCream: i- don't know what I w-would do either...

20.09.2020 00:46
LinkSquirrly: You would probably be at that ****ing bar. It would suck to live there, it smelled like shit.

20.09.2020 16:53
LinkCream: y-yea...
-sits down blushy ish-

20.09.2020 19:31
LinkSquirrly: *he sighs and sits down next to her* ...

20.09.2020 19:52
Link-leans next to him, unsure of what to do now-

03.10.2020 02:18
LinkSquirrly: I'm shouldn't be with me...

04.10.2020 19:38
LinkCream: what do you mean...?
-innocent bean face-

04.10.2020 23:54
LinkSquirrly: I'm too should live with someone else..

04.10.2020 23:57
LinkCream: ...what if I want to live with you? I don't mind if your dangerous...

17.10.2020 03:08
LinkSquirrly: You...want to live with me...?

17.10.2020 23:17
LinkCream: i- would l-like to...~

17.10.2020 23:22
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled a bit and hugged her* I would love for you to stay here...

17.10.2020 23:56
Link-she hugged him back, squishing up against him-

18.10.2020 01:43
LinkSquirrly: I love you.

18.10.2020 01:48
LinkCream: I love you to
- b e a n-

18.10.2020 01:49
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and cuddled her*

18.10.2020 15:49
Link-le cuddle back, their tail waged a little-

18.10.2020 17:44
LinkSquirrly: I want you to be here forever.

18.10.2020 19:37
LinkCream: I will stay, I promise...~

18.10.2020 19:38
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and held her*

18.10.2020 19:42
Link-squishy bean, she felt soft and warm-

18.10.2020 19:43
LinkSquirrly: *he purred* You're warm~

18.10.2020 19:51
(Whisper a little) Cream: m-maybe f-from all your c-cum~

18.10.2020 19:53
LinkSquirrly: Yeah maybe.

18.10.2020 19:59
Link-she continued to hug him haply-

18.10.2020 20:00
LinkSquirrly: *his tail wrapped around them and its fluff felt soft, like velvet*

18.10.2020 21:33
Link-she did a dog purr sound, her belly still sloshed around a little, the last bits of cum going away digesting-

20.10.2020 00:30
LinkSquirrly: How many do you think we'll have?

29.10.2020 23:38
LinkCream: i-i don't know, m-maybe two...!

31.10.2020 03:52
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled a bit* That sounds nice.

31.10.2020 17:31
LinkCream: y-yea-
-they would shift around a little shyly, slightly flustered -

31.10.2020 18:43
LinkSquirrly: Are you tired? You look like you are.

31.10.2020 19:01
LinkCream: y-yea... im a t-tad tired...

31.10.2020 19:24
LinkSquirrly: Then you should probably get some rest, want me to help you up?

31.10.2020 20:02
LinkCream: y-yea...

01.11.2020 01:27
LinkSquirrly: *he got up and helped her up*

01.11.2020 15:16
Link-she would walk along with him, her tail wagged slightly as he touched her-

01.11.2020 15:35
LinkSquirrly: *he looked at her and smiled* Why do you want to stay?

01.11.2020 15:49
LinkCream: b-because I t-trust you, a-and i-its better t-then them...
-they blushed slightly-

01.11.2020 16:54
LinkSquirrly: ...You're the first person to trust me...ever...

01.11.2020 16:56
LinkCream: really? t-that's a surprise...
your r-really trusting
-continues to blush walking along with them-

01.11.2020 17:50
LinkSquirrly: Am I? *he smiled a bit at that*

01.11.2020 17:51
LinkCream: m-mhm~
-tail wag-

01.11.2020 18:27
LinkSquirrly: Well that is nice to know... *he hugged her and smiled*

01.11.2020 18:31
Link-she would blush more as he hugged her, she hugged him back. feeling like a bunch of pillows squishing comfterbly against him-

01.11.2020 18:32
LinkSquirrly: You're so nice and warm. I love it.

01.11.2020 18:33
LinkCream: t-thank you-
-Lil tail wag-

01.11.2020 18:34
LinkSquirrly: *he looked at her face and smiled* You're so cute.

01.11.2020 18:35
Link-flustered noises-

01.11.2020 18:36
LinkSquirrly: *he tilted his head and kissed her forehead*

01.11.2020 18:39
Link-her tail would wag a bit more as he kissed her, blushing a bit more-

01.11.2020 18:49
LinkSquirrl: I love you.

01.11.2020 18:54
LinkCream: i- love you too...~
-they got to the bedroom, she would sit down on the bed squishing against the mattress-

01.11.2020 19:46
LinkSquirrly: *he sat down next other and smiled*

01.11.2020 19:58
Link-she would yawn slightly... laying down on one of the pillows, she was still unclothed and her tits showed off to him with the blanket falling off her as she moved, she would pass out fairly quickly-

01.11.2020 20:00
LinkSquirrly: *he lay next to her and held her hand, falling asleep as well*

01.11.2020 20:01
Link-sleepy sleeps~ -

01.11.2020 20:26
Link(Time skip?

01.11.2020 20:36
Link(sleep ****? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

01.11.2020 20:45

01.11.2020 20:50
-Cream would roll around slightly, her tail still wagging. her body seemed to want something~ -

01.11.2020 20:51
LinkSquirrly: *he woke up again and looked at her* ...

01.11.2020 20:54
Link-she was continuing to sleep, she seemed very tired from the night before, probably from digesting all that cum. he tits giggled slightly as she held onto her pillow.-

01.11.2020 20:55
LinkSquirrly: *he scooted closer to her and pulled off his pants* I know I probably shouldn't do this but...

01.11.2020 20:57
Link-she continued to sleep, her tail would wag a bit more like it was a response. she already didn't have clothing and it looked like she was already wet~ -

01.11.2020 20:59
LinkSquirrly: *he slipped it into her and moaned silently*

01.11.2020 21:01
Link-she moaned quietly, her already wet walls clenching around his dick tightly-

01.11.2020 21:03
LinkSquirrly: *he began thrusting it into her hard, biting his lip*

01.11.2020 21:05
LinkCream: -quietly- hhh~
-her walls continued to contract around his dick tightly, her tits jiggling with every thrust-

01.11.2020 21:22
LinkSquirrly: *he pushed it deep inside of her and came hard*

01.11.2020 21:36
LinkCream: hhahh~~!
-she continued to sleep and moaned loudly, his cum jetted inside her woom sloshing around inside her-

01.11.2020 21:49
LinkSquirrly: *he finished and purred*

01.11.2020 22:23
Link-she moaned quietly continuing to sleep, her woom was inflated and the cum moved around inside her gently-

08.11.2020 20:14
LinkSquirrly: That felt nice... *he instantly passed out*

12.11.2020 23:28
Link-she would continue to moan softly, not a drop of cum came out of her as it digested slowly-

12.11.2020 23:40
Link(Time skip?)

13.11.2020 01:23

13.11.2020 02:08
Squirrly: *he woke up and yawned*

15.11.2020 17:17
Link-she was still asleep soundly, the cum from last night fully digested. her tits seemed larger from it-

15.11.2020 17:24
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and picked her up, setting her in his lap as he sat up*

15.11.2020 17:33
Link-she would cuddle up to him, sleeping a tad lighter than before-

15.11.2020 17:35
LinkSquirrly: *he pulled up one of her breasts and started sucking on the tit*

15.11.2020 17:37
Link-she moaned quietly, her milk tasted warm and sweet-

15.11.2020 17:39
LinkSquirrly: *he continued to suck and lick her nipple, swallowing her milk*

15.11.2020 17:43
Link-the milk continued to flow smoothly, her tail began to wag a little as he continued to suck-

15.11.2020 17:44
LinkSquirrly: *he held onto her ass and sucked harder*

15.11.2020 17:47
LinkCream: mmmhh...~
-her ass would squish against his hands softly-

15.11.2020 17:48
LinkSquirrly: *he continued sucking until he was completely finished, while he was sucking he had came on her stomach* Wow...I've never done that before...

15.11.2020 17:49
LinkCream: mmm...~
-she continued to cuddle him lazly, moaning at the new found warmth inside her-

15.11.2020 17:53
LinkSquirrly: *he purred and cuddled her*

15.11.2020 17:56
LinkCream: -smoll dog purr-

15.11.2020 18:03
LinkSquirrly: *he picked her up and stood up, carrying her to the living room*

15.11.2020 18:06
Link-he could feel her belly jiggle slightly with his cum, she continued to sleep but seemed to be close to waking up-

15.11.2020 18:08
LinkSquirrly: *he set her on the couch and started cooking*

15.11.2020 18:11
Link-she'd wake up quietly, rubbing her eyes awake-

15.11.2020 18:13
LinkSquirrly: Morning hon, you hungry?

15.11.2020 18:16
LinkCream: a bit...
-she would yawn softly looking around-

15.11.2020 18:17
LinkSquirrly: *he was making bacon* Well be hungry in a few minutes because it's almost ready.

15.11.2020 18:21
LinkCream: -lil spark in their eyes at the sent of bacon- oki!

15.11.2020 18:23
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and pulled up a plate for her* Come sit down.

15.11.2020 18:26
LinkCream: alright-
-stands up dantaly and walks over to take a seat-

15.11.2020 18:28
LinkSquirrly: *he pulls out her chair for her and sets a plate of bacon in front of her*

15.11.2020 18:53
Link-le sits down-
* n o m *

15.11.2020 18:54
LinkSquirrly: *he smiled and pet her*

15.11.2020 18:56
Link-le freezes for a second, continues to nom slowly-

15.11.2020 18:57
LinkSquirrly: *he sat down and started eating his own bacon*

15.11.2020 19:04
Link-bacon-eating ensues-

15.11.2020 19:05
Link(Time skip to when the children are born?)

15.11.2020 19:12
Link(s u r e)

15.11.2020 19:40
Link*a few months later*
Squirrly: *he drove her to the hospital and carried her inside*

15.11.2020 19:47
Link-moans silently in pain, going into labor soon-

15.11.2020 19:49
LinkSquirrly: Hold on hon, we'll be ready soon. *he ran down the hall and put her into a room*

15.11.2020 19:52
Link-nods quietly, trying to keep their pain to a minimum-

15.11.2020 19:53
LinkSquirrly: *he readies a birthing mechanism and spreads her legs, taking her pants off* Okay when I tell you to push.

15.11.2020 20:00
LinkCream: o-ok- *wince*

15.11.2020 20:02
LinkSquirrly: Now, push now! *he put on some gloves that were next to them*

15.11.2020 20:07
Link*le push hard*

15.11.2020 20:09
LinkSquirrly: *he caught the first child* Push again, there is a second one.

15.11.2020 20:11
Link*continues to push, mega hard*

15.11.2020 20:13
LinkSquirrly: *he caught the second child and smiled* That....That's it...we're parents now...

15.11.2020 20:13
Link-smiles weekly-
Cream: y-yea

15.11.2020 20:16
LinkSquirrly: *he looked up at her* A boy and a's perfect.
Comment removed

15.11.2020 20:18
LinkCream: t-that's nice-
-continues to smile, tired form the b i r t h i n g -

15.11.2020 20:20
LinkSquirrly: *he set their children on her stomach and sat beside her on his knees*

15.11.2020 20:23
Link-hugs the children gentaly-

15.11.2020 20:25
LinkSquirrly: They're beautiful... *he pet the boy gently*
Jake: *he squeaked happily when Squirrly pet him*

15.11.2020 20:29
LinkCream: hehe- y-yea
-pets the girl softly-

15.11.2020 20:32
LinkMilly: *she purred and cuddled into her hand*
Squirrly: Jake and Milly. Does that sound good?
Jake: *he heard his name and smiled*

15.11.2020 20:44
LinkCream: y-yea ^^

17.11.2020 15:51
LinkSquirrly: ^w^
Jake: *he looked up at Squirrly* :O
Milly: ...

07.06.2023 03:19
LinkWHAT IS LOVE🗣️🗣️🔥🔥⁉️⁉️
Comment removed