dog begs for custom requests


05.12.2020 03:56
Linkpleas???? *begs u*

05.12.2020 03:57
Link*fisheye lens*

05.12.2020 03:58
Linkim workin on em' getm while their hotz!!! :cool cat face emoji:

05.12.2020 04:02
Linkfeeling like

heres some themes idk lol kid core,grunge aesthetic, cottage core, tramuacore (trigger warning, could be presented w abus/ve topics etc)

uhhh color palette!!
one of those really cool kids with da colorful stickers and bandages maybe glasses?? but not real glasses
also so you know how hanako has that thing on his cheek? or like the seal that kou uses or smth? that,, somewhere idk

ooo um okay
colors:orange brown pink yellow and blue and white
accessoris:big sweater a hat and earrings
extra horns,two tails