
How i draw and color dragons!

Frisk Meme?! WAKE ME UP


【undertale】chara 和Asriel

Happy Second Birthday Flipanim

little valafar for nichole


25.05.2021 14:12
Linkim gona stop complaining
im gona stop hurting people
im gona tell myself im worth it
im gona keep my bad thoughts to myself
im not gona run away

its okayyyy to complain you dont have to keep your bad thoughts to yourself, we're here for you for a reason. we're your friends and we want you to tell us your thoughts so we can help you. we would rather you tell us than stuff it in yourself because we WANT to talk to you. your not hurting anyone dont worry. PLEASE tell me anything and complain to me or vent to me or anything because i want you to. I want to know if you're okay i would be upset if you had bad thoughts and kept them to yourself. you can tell us anything