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had a weird ass dream
25.01.2022 11:57
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it was another movie dream so theres like way too much for me to say all that happened especially witht he few minutes i have but the three here are the mains in it (and then me, of courseA) but like the twins are complete idiots that bring me and the other kid out behind what im assuming was some firestation where there was this junkyard and they were testing something they'd mad cause they wanted to show the like hi-tech school we're at that they invented something to save people from mines and stuff. but in short they used this like putty shit and explorded themselves and we managed to get away from the police and firemen who like were immediately there but idiot one and idiot two bost lost and amr and were like hysterical. not because they lost arms but because their invention worked cause, you know, they werent blown to bits
25.01.2022 11:59
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also for some reason my dad was Richard Castle and skydived at one point cause i was on a phone call with multiple friends and we were talkign about out parents i I told them about this huge kite in the skye i saw about my dad and so i said his current defining factor is that he has a kite. then i was like 'Thats not his kite...he /is/ the kite' cause the kite was this weird parachute and Richard Castle comes shooting down and lands and he's like 'yo stop walking down your bus stop you're enrolled in a new school now
25.01.2022 12:02
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also bro the school was so cool it was like this alien-ish aqarium of sorts that had activity rooms where there were bubbles that made music when you tapped them and like cool stuff and liek the columns had these coral plates that fluctuated and moved like your were under the sea anytime you walked past but i later on realized that it was to disgues the fact they were detecting and recording motiona round them and who goes where
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