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09.10.2018 04:22
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Hey! It’s FireFox... i was never born and I don’t have and age... my parents can me “The Angel’s Child”, because I... And no body knows this except me and my parents... but I kind of fell from the sky! I guess... I lived in a small part of the woods my parents call “Fox Burrow” and I lived there for most of my “life”... I was finally aloud to go to school called “Love High” but i did not fit in at all... for 1 thing... Love had a long o students... but... I was the only fox girl... in fact... I was the only animal and the school... everyone else was human... they started to call me a lego figure because of my color and flame head... freak, monster, lego, loser... that’s all they said me to me... one day I come to school, but sothing was different... no... it was definitely different... everyone was in lockdown... I hurry to my class as fast as I can, I bang on the doors, the teachers sees me and let’s me in ASAP... there was a murderer in the school... I was in complete and udder fe
09.10.2018 04:36
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ar mood... I sat there under my desk, shaking in fear... I come out from under my desk in a crouch to find a girl at the window... a fox girl... but covered in blood... her fur was white with blue hair and tail... her eyes... pools of black... tears of blood running down her face... teal clothes... covered in blood... a twisted smile on her face... raiser sharp teath... I hurry back under my desk... 5 hours past and the girls is finally out of the school, everyone scatters home as fast and humanly possible... me... I was eager to find out who that girl was... I wonder the woods for another 3 hours and finally go home... in the morning... there was a knock at the door, my mom answers it and let’s out a shriek... I come down stairs to find the same girl from yesterday... but covered in her own blood... and scratches all over her... like she was losing a fight with a tiger... I walk over and introduce myself... she responds with the words “my name I Lucky... I saw you yesterday” my eyes widened as if I jus
09.10.2018 04:56
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T saw I Ghost... “is that so” the words come out of my mouth slowly... i look over to mother to thankfuly see that she’s ok... I look back at Lucky and say “where do you live?” Her eyes widen as well and she’s says “I-I dont have one!” My mother’s say “you can stay here if you’d like!” She didn’t look armed so it was a little ok with me, I look back over to Lucky and with a big friendly grin on her face nodding and saying “I would love that!” I skipped school every day to make sure that Lucky was never armed with anything to harm my mom with... her being as sick as she was... had too much stuff to do... I loved being around Lucky! Not just because she was really nice but also because she was a fox girl just like me! That’s all I’m gonna share for now tell me if you like my back story so far!
09.10.2018 22:51
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10.10.2018 02:56
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