Procrastination lvl 10
Bean i saw at a zoo
no title
Fox in the Grass
метро метро мет-
bit of a pet peeve ig
19.08.2020 10:24
Linkik ik my anatomy could still be cleaned up a little bit but im still trying out very different body shapes
! You do NOT have to listen to my advice !
I see a lot of feral art, and lots of times I notice that the belly is drawn with a straight line and not a curved line. For me personally I find this kind of jarring or annoying because it looks like the character is fat (Unless they're meant to be overweight of course). If you look at references of dogs/the animal you're drawing, most of the time you'll notice a curved like where the stomach is.
i don't know what else to add
no im not critiquing your art right now don't ask
28.08.2020 12:05
sometimes people go like WAY up with the curved line and it makes the character look like me
which is scary.
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