don't really want to talk but-


15.10.2021 02:06
Linkngl my life sucks and I hate my self.

Hey, I’m sorry about that. I know saying “it’s gunna get better!” Kinda gets old and never feels like it really does. I’m not entirely sure how to help, or even if I’m helping. But I hope you feel better^^. <3

Yeah, no problem. Just hearing that kinda feels like a half hearted attempt to at least console someone? If that’s the right word. And I’m never really good with talking to people so I apologize if I’m not the best person to talk too! Or in this case giving advice? Besides any of that. I do really hope you get better, now handing all affection to you^^

Okay now hear me out life sucks but hey
At least your not drowning in icey cold water under a huge layer of ice trying to escape a room made to tramatize you and everyone with you who also is trying to escape