Sad koda
07.05.2020 20:33
Linkpoor koda, why is he sad? :(
07.05.2020 21:07
LinkLong story
07.05.2020 22:43
Linkhe sad bc his parents always argued then 1 night it got real bad physical then koda tried to protect his mom from his dad but his dad slashed his eye (y he has a missing eye) and then his dog bit his dads arm and his dad kicked his dog to the wall and it broke his rib cage and his dog died but the neighbors heard all of that and they called the cops and they shot his dad and his dads ded body fell on koda (that all happened when he was 9) years later his 14 and his mom is just mentally broke from all the abuse and torture to the point she kills herself and koda sees her ded body just hanging lifeless another few years later hes 17 in highschool hes living with his grandparents and they r always blaming him say stuff like "IF IT WERENT FOR U THEY WOULD HAVE LIVED" (his parents) and the kids at his school always make fun of him calling him names like "pirate" or "freak" and thats all i got for now its gonna change
08.05.2020 02:37
Linkthats sad
08.05.2020 11:37
LinkYeh I might change it a bit