100 Followers! Tysm!
04.07.2020 02:10
LinkQuick but important!- Please do not reply to this chain!
04.07.2020 02:11
LinkId never thought that I would reach 100 followers.. when CheesePizzaLMAO told me to make an account I wasn't really interested in FA.
04.07.2020 02:16
Link4 weeks in and my opinion on FA has changed drastically! I love Flip so much, I thought I would be like one of those accounts that makes drawings from time to time, and would use fa every 2 weeks or so. But WOW, I love all the support and feedback That I have been receiving!
04.07.2020 02:19
Linkand to think, my first drawing was made in a blanket fort..
Again, Thank you!
ill be going to bed now because im tired from swimming all day.
04.07.2020 02:36
Linkwhoops, almost for got about the song..
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9WwDddpHrg
give it a listen, its worth it!
04.07.2020 02:50
LinkOh! and this..
Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4Gq9pkToS8
its kinda intense for my standards.. ANYWAY