pizza ?1000
Requested by Samwiched
Butch Vs Buttercup
Yuzu Aihara (Quick Sketch)
01.05.2019 12:14
Linkwhat is it
Hello everyone, this is a little thing about JAF. You think she's nice, cute and all sweet and funny and all right? Haha. She's a really toxic person.
She makes fun of peoples looks (she only gets in relationships for looks too.)
She had someone date her that had a huge crush on her and then dumped her like 3-5 days later because "she didnt love her back long enough"
She forced me to kiss her and she almost choked me.
Oh, and that girl who had the big crush on her? She still did but then Debbi ****ing told her to kill herself and then she just said "k" like what the hell. This might change your look from her for a long time.