Velo stats and ability
06.11.2022 03:38
Link“I’m going to find him… my father. If you stand in my way…. I have no choice but to kill you.” - Velo.
All of his stats are based on his ability.
O Ability 1: walk the dinosaur.
-gave it the name from the song of the same title.
-allows velo to transform into a dinosaur hybrid. For a full on dinosaur.
-permanently gives velo sharp teeth and sharp claw-like fingernails that are near impossible to break off
- heavily inspired off of an ability my friend showed me from a book he was reading. Don’t remember the name but if anyone knows please tell me
O Ability 2: dark defiance.
-for some reason, when velo is hurt and on the brink of death he can basically flip a kill switch that slows him to keep going, keep fighting and keep standing
-despite his conditions he is usually stronger than normally
-basically going to be his plot armour.
06.11.2022 03:39
Link*allows him to keep going