Kinda sorta leaving fa???


27.12.2020 09:10
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27.12.2020 09:11
LinkOk not LEAVING leaving but I just won't be as active. I recently got a new tablet and got better drawing drawing shit ( like ibis paint x) and don't need flipanim anymore. it also just feels weird on Samsung?? So yeah I feel kinda bad for leaving but u guys can still talk to me and shit on Instagram and Twitter! My @'s on both are @eatbabii. I'll definitely stop on for a little while to look at my favorite artist, and to talk to my friends❤. I also can't find a good animation app on here so I might have to animate on here?? I'm starting animation next year so I might make an alt account for that. I also said I was gonna do a series which is gonna be animated next year or so, so you'll get to see that too. Anyway I'm really sorry for leaving this soon after I returned but I hope yall are happy I can actually draw now. See ya💖

you were always a good drawer you just want to take time to focus on different tools I dont post much because im using not only flipanim but a different drawing site so its hard to keep up with, but just do what you want to do
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