For a friend in need
09.01.2020 00:35
LinkI dont have any-
Assuming that this isn't a social experiment, here's what I would really say to someone who thinks they're worthless and don't matter at all: "There's no need to be. Your always going to be better than someone else. And someone or something may seem higher than you, but it's your choice if you want to be humble with your spot, or fight your way to be the highest, most well known and noticed person/being in whatever you do. In about a billion million thousand years Earth supposedly won't be here, and lots of stars fuel will die out into darkness. You may as well do what you want while we have all been given the great chance to live and evolve. Also, you subconsciously "won" the fight between 20-100 MILLION sperm in a miniature race of life or death. And you weren't a miscarriage, and you didn't/haven't/weren't beaten to death or killed by your parents. You've survived a lot. Like a true human. Like the perfect human. I'm sure you can do a lot more if you've survived that long. 😉"