Guess who got braces
13.09.2023 00:50
LinkCould I have some advice on how many times a day I should brush them?
And possibly foods too...
13.09.2023 01:01
Linkohhhhh boy you're in for a ride!
brushing 2 times a day is actually fine. just brush really well and floss to get all the food stuck in them out. for foods, when i had braces, i still ate sticky stuff lol i just i to make sure they didn't stick to the braces
have fun be prepared for slight pain and try a bunch of colors if they let you!
13.09.2023 22:34
Linkalright, thank you!
on a scale for hardness of how hard i can press on my braces when brushing my teeth, 1 being very light brushing 10 being being full on recklessly and brushing teeth super hard.
are braces much stronger than they look?
and since i play an instrument, trumpet, how long would i have to wait before being able to play cause im almost on day 2 of having my braces.
sorry for all these questions
13.09.2023 23:50
LinkOh npnp
On a scale of hardness, brush a tiny tiny bit harder than usual, but it doesn’t matter too much- if you brush too hard you might destroy your brush a little lol- just brush well so your teeth are clean.
For me, every month they replaced the wire with a stronger wire and it hurt for a few days, then was pretty much normal. You get used to them pretty quickly.
As for trumpet, no idea. I think as long as your teeth don’t hurt too much, you can practice. I’d say braces are pretty strong so you aren’t gonna really affect them by playing.
Hope it goes well!!
14.09.2023 01:12
LinkAlright, thanks for the info!
now as i go back to the shadows and become future world leader...