生日 shipit


25.10.2017 20:56

Boi. She's older than me, I see her as my fricking sister you idiot, not my love interest. I'll also have you know that I'm straight, and I have a huge crush on a gosh dang guy Ive known for three years

listen. stop. its just a ship.
mads, yes, in fact, your taking a bit too far, but i understand. some people get mad over being shipped with people you don't like, so i know. but saying rather mean things like 'shut the frick up' and 'being a jerk.' i'm not against you, but really, its just a misunderstanding.
pumkin, ok, interfering is a bad choice, but i cant say anything since I'm interfering too. but trying to continue the argue with comebacks and the same rude things mad said won't do any good in this situation. also, grammar correcting does nothing, sweetheart. she knows how to spell, but it was just one mistake. I'm not trying to be rude to you, I'm not taking anyones side, i not against you, but this conversation/argument shouldn't have happened. its merely a dumb choice after all the drama we've had on this website.
please, for the love of god, stop fighting. your both my friends and i prefer you both to stop.

it's cool guys. you all are entitled to opinions, just leave it. Meg knows this won't happen again, Mads was just upset about it, and she had a right on some levels to be, pumkin was expressing their thoughts, furry was trying to cool things down, so you all have rights and reasons. It looks like you've all solved this, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. Respect each other! ^^