An update
27.08.2023 17:40
LinkTbh I know literally no one fụcking asked because there's no one here left to ask, but yeah so basically, I've pretty much forgotten this place? I literally only just remembered it after a couple weeks and I still have no intentions on coming back, as the art canvas here is just too limiting and the community is essentially absent because Flipanim doesn't know how to run a fụcking website. I may comment and like now and again, but this is probably the most art I'll ever post here. Tbh, every artist here should try to start doing art elsewhere, as this place is just a dead end
27.08.2023 17:40
LinkLife updates though? I'm 19 now and trying to get my life sorted out, primarily just getting my health (mental and physical) squared away, figuring out what I'm going to do for work, finishing school (that I'm behind on..), and trying to gain a following on Instagram so hopefully I can make some money there through comms and adopt sales.
I'm still pretty active online, I'm just offsite!
In case you wanna contact me or just chill out;
Discord Server-
Discord tag- latticeddreams