Jacob's back (age up)


16.12.2018 15:55
LinkName- Jacob Lee Hanson, though everyone who manages to get words out of him knows him as Classified , or Anonymous
Status-single, straight
Likes- little to nothing about the human race- cigarettes-being alone
Dislikes- meeting people
Extra- Jacob is now a hit man, anyone who knew him at all before knows just about nothing about him now and actually getting words or information out of him now is harder than trying to tear tytanium apart with your hands, he’s stubborn, quiet, and sticks to his morals, and if you do actually manage to speak with him, chances of him telling you his actual name are just about 0, he’s erased his name off of every platform and is just about impossible to find, and due to the fact he avoids relationships like the plague (due to the fear of being hurt again) if he were ever to actually find attraction to someone he’d most likely just slowly stop talking to them or avoid them, either that or just get really shy in certain situations
He is currently 24

16.12.2018 15:55

16.12.2018 15:56
Linkforgot to mention, but when he's feeling verry strongly in a situation (nervous, anger, sadness etc) he's skin starts to melt
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Ophelia: Well then I'll be presumptuous. Your name isn't Hunter, although it appears you've effectively erased it from existence. You are a hitman, professional grade, acknowledged by the government but not to the point where they consider you a threat. And I'm assuming you are here to kill me, so the question now is what kind of killer are you.
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Jacob:*he nods* sounds good, meet up with me at the café after you've gotten this information, i'll be waiting, tick tock *he'd tisk his head off to the side a bit, not yet comfortable with having a partner in his line of work he's skeptical of her, the only thing he's interested in at the moment is business, and getting paid
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Ulysses- *knitting a baby blanket in the park, she groans at a knot she missed all the way at the beginning*

Ulysses- *the recording continues* Please also note that Ulysses is government property. If she is bothering you, simply flip the switch on the back of her neck and she will be temporarily shut off and a signal will be sent out so someone can come to pick her up. Feel free to wait and offer feedback about how she can be improved. Thank you! *Ulysses swings her feet and scowls down at the ground*

Uly- *she pints to her scratch* I tripped a while back and got that. If they saw it they’d reprogram my chip because I was imperfect and then give me a new appearance. I don’t want that.. I want to remember everything I’ve learned and where I’ve learned it. And I won’t if they reset me. *she hangs her head*

Uly- yeah, but not everyone has programming that makes them feel that their one purpose in life is to please others and do what they say, no matter how they try to get RID of it! I’m living in the constant fear that I’ll be shut down and DESTROYED for not being perfect, only to be shipped of to some.. some PIG that can’t find a “suitable wife” one day!

Jacob: if you didn't care about being the way you are i'd consider you weren't capable of deciding things, but you see the thing with that is you do care, that shows me enough to see that you really want this, you just give up too fast, a machine would reboot to solve but you won't, think on that *he stands up strait slipping his hands in his pockets* cya around *gives a faint, almost unnoticeable but genuine smile and heads off in the opposite direction*
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Amara- *she crosses her arms* Easy. I’m a huge fan, and I’ve done my research. You’re Jacob Lee Hansen, the greatest hitman in the state. You’re twenty four years old and went to school in the area. I’ve been around for more than one of your killings, you should really take advantage of buildings taller than the ones you snipe on. I intend to take you out one day when I’m good enough, just have to figure out how. Plus, I’m letting you get rid of all of the people who threaten my future career instead of doing the work.

Amara- this envelope *she holds it up* was to one of my spies, who also helped in creating her. He’s been trying to get her sent out for months now so I can hijack the car she’s sent in, but unfortunately her main creator insists she’s not ready, and it’s quite annoying. I can’t within 50 feet of Uly’s house or lab or they’ll shoot me, I used to steal stuff from em.. so I want Ulysses’s creator dead. Not just for her, it benefits me, too.

Amara- much appreciated, *she tosses him an envelope with a certificate of permissions inside* don’t ask how I got this, I have no idea where she is right now, but it’s legal. See you around, next time with a weapon. *she chuckles and sinks into the shadows, before jumping up onto the fire escape with her thicc rabbit legs and climbing up it onto the roof*

Jacob:*he nods a bit* i've got a few people who can add in some new data, because you weren't originally programmed to feel I figured i'd take a few things into my own hands *he flips through a few papers* and don't worry this won't affect your memory in the slightest
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Jacob:*he shrugs* what ever you want to, you don't have a curfew anymore and your since of charging is like sleeping so really, you're free to do what ever the hell you want, you don't really need to hang around me because, well, I don't like to believe that you're property, just please try not to get into any trouble -v-"

Jacob: I was going to suggest you stay with me for safety purposes because your metal can still dent easy due to you not being made for out door terrains all that much, but if you want your own apartment to feel more independent i'm sure I could get you started up on a job and up on your feet so you can afford to pay rent