@Juliet1's Oc's

Step by Step Origami Crane

Cream singing



EVERYTIME ROSE XD everytime...

Homecoming Pt 1
leopard peacock- name ideas?


21.04.2022 18:26
Linknew species btw

21.04.2022 18:29
Linkill say info now

21.04.2022 18:38
Linkthis unknown named creature is a mix of peacock and leopard.
-6/7 ft tall, taller is most likely female, but some may become dwarfs.
-omnivore, although eats mostly meat.
-excellent swimmer, can swim underwater for long amounts of time.
-really fast in and out of water, ranging at 70 mph.
-they will hunt their prey at night, and mostly stay hidden at day time.
-these animals live in either; valleys, beaches, or tundra's.
-they arent aggressive towards humans, but if threatened, will eat immediately. really good hunters, to.
-they come in many colors, rarest being a solid white or a orange and black. the females have darker colors, and the males have lighter colors.
-yes, they can open their tails like peacocks. when opening the tail, they will release a scent. this scent will attract animals and humans to the animals.

21.04.2022 18:41
Link-all of these animals have different personalities.
-the animal has large teeth, and recorded as one of the most large sharp teeth of the land animals.
-the animal WILL play with family
-the babies can get as big as a full grown big dog.

21.04.2022 18:41
Linkok its now a peapard