

24.07.2023 03:40
It's been a while since you saw my face
I haven't been doing so great
So, I took a little break
So, a lot of people are saying some things about me that are quite true
All aboard the toxic gossip train
Chugging down the tracks of that one time i said really horrible takes that even sometimes i didnt even believe in just to be annoying and horrible for really immature reasons
The toxic gossip train
You got a one-way ticket to people white-knighted me to get on my good side which was horrible for both them and me (esp their mental health) solely because i had a big following and they liked my mid asf art and animations in 2018-2020 station
Toxic gossip train
Tie me to the tracks and hold me accountable for my past
Those true genuine facts look like /true genuine facts/ if you don't mind the ………. Im not a lyrical genuines you can genuinely hold me ****ing accountable.
I won't survive in the crash, but hey

24.07.2023 03:40
LinkIm going to take responsability for my actions instead of completely blaming the fact i was 13(?)-16(?) because despite my awful mental health and self image i could have ****ing been better.

24.07.2023 03:41
Uh, hi, everyone
I've been wanting to come online and talk to you about a few things
Um, even though my team has strongly advised me to not say what I want to say
I recently realized that they never said that I couldn't type :3 what I wanna say, so
Here I am, and, um, today I only wanna talk about the facts
So, I hope that you'll be willing to listen
Here we go
Many years ago, I used to have followers white knight me, i didnt even ask them to it was like a genuine cult. Sometimes id tell people to stop but most of the times, more often than not, i didnt.
Not in a “i am neurodivergent and a minor” kinda of way
It was more of a i was ****ing awful online/ an awful person online kind of way
Where I was just trying to bully everybody. (genuinely awful and horrible of me.)
Okay this part i dont even know what to write like why did she add this????
It was kinda like, uh, when you go to like a family gathering, you know?
And there's a weird aunt there who keeps coming up to you

24.07.2023 03:41
Link"Hey, girl, what's the tea?"
And you're like, "Eh"
Um, that was me, but in group chats with my fans, it was weird
I've ****ing traumadumped to you, and because of that I feel
Like I'm talking to my “friends” (most of you have no genuine idea of who i am.), but, in the beginning of my time on this site
I didn't really understand that maybe there should be some boundaries there
There were times on flipanim when I would overshare
Details of my life, which was really weird of me

24.07.2023 03:41
LinkI haven't done that for for a year, only to people who know me ****ing personally because im not. dumb like that anymore. (im so sorry)
Because I changed my behavior, and I NOW took accountability
So, let's go on the toxic gossip train
The locomotive's fueled with my horrible internet footprint
The toxic gossip train
Steamroll over i cant think of anything here but ive done so much shit i dont blame you at all if you hold me accountable for anything ive done
Toxic gossip train
Hop on board, but close your eyes, otherwise you'll realize
That the train is made of ****ing facts that happened in the past.
There was more here but what she wrote was actually weird so i removed it
In all seriousness, I do think it's really important to hold people accountable for their mistakes.

24.07.2023 03:42
LinkI used to bully people to make myself feel better. I was the genuine definition OF a bully. I was in such a low place and had little to no genuine therapy nor healthy coping skills, i was upset everyone around me seemed happy with their lives and i was going through shit. That does not make it okay in the SLIGHTEST because those people probably also had it rough.
[Verse 2]
you should make me take accountability
You should hold people ****ing accountable
Your goal is to help the person you despise become better (but at the same time it’s their choice and they need to LEARN from THEIR PAST ACTIONS that what they did IT NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE.)
Okay the rest of what she wrote was just. Awful to read.

24.07.2023 03:42
Okay funny bit over,, I really wasn’t the best on here. I’m actually sorry and I am genuinely coming from the heart, I’ve made various apologies (you can find if curious). There’s so much I’ve done where I don’t know where to start. I cant even begin to apologies to everyone personally because of how many people there were. I remember a few big ones, but i dont even know if the users are on here anymore, and i dont think i have enough courage to even reach out.
You don’t have to like me and you CAN unfollow. (Gonna be real, i dont have 3,000(?)+ followers, half of them were friends and i’s troll accounts, or other various troll/nonserious accounts. But either way, i still had an impact on the site and its users and im sorry.

24.07.2023 03:44
Linki wanted to make it lighthearted while also addressing touchy subjects, just because the drawing and theme is joke-y i do recognise what ive done and did was genuinely afwul. (sorry, i say genuinely a lot)
i still wish i was vetter on here for my time being, but i really, /really/ wasnt.
even if i was only 13-16 when this shit happened, i was still old enough to realise right from wrong.
also sorry for any misspellings, nervous

24.07.2023 03:47
LinkThere's no way i can fix any damage but i do feel this is better than just leaving and not saying anything, other users have done that (iykyk?)
i still feel bad
idk if that'll go away, even if ill probably never see any of you guys offline, doesnt mean i dont feel bad

idk if people will read because the first part sounds like clickbait/ that im doing it for..? colleen trend? which is partly true but im actually mentioning my faults instead of whatever she does lol
take time to read the non-silly lighthearted part

sorry but i dont beleive i should be forgiven so easily? if that makes sense
people need PROVE that theyve redeemed themself for ANY forgiveness, but i dont know if i want to spend time on here to do that stuff, this place is dying and its no longer.. what it used to be?
but i have grown, i do see it, but that doesnt mean im going to sweep everything under the rug.

i've been on this site for a while, and while i've been on/off active, i have had multiple peeks at your account over the years. i'm proud that you have come to realize what you did wrong and want to make up for it! you're making the right move in apologizing and i can't wait for you to continue to grow as a person and artist. i'm sure you don't know who i am so hopefully this isn't a weird comment to leave, but still i'm happy for you.
Comment removed

Ive had enough with this website
I'm sick of everything about it, and everything that's happened with the trolling/drama/fake people/etc.
So I'll give you all this little warning message.
I'm gonna figure out how to kill this god forsaken website, and when I do, I wont show a bit of remorse.
To the artists who aren't any form of assholes, trolls, or fakes.
I'm sorry your being screwed over in this situation, but theres genuinely no moderation here and quite frankly, I'm ****ing sick of it.
To the rest of you who dont fit into the category above, I'm coming for you. Just. ****ing. Wait.

I do wish you actually apologized to the young kids you attacked instead of making a vague post but at least you've realized you were a cruel person back in the day

There were a lot. Some were in private where I reached out personally so I would not make a huge deal on a small site, others were on-site but in old posts
Some apologies were said in private anims, discord dms, and insta dms. This was vauge because there was no name for me to say specifically, not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't know who to name. I know who have accepted apologies, and I know there are some people who have accepted it and turned around to say they don't accept it, anyone can take back accepting apologies and that's okay! I do not expect every apology said to be forgiven.

I could grab old posts where I have named people in apologies, but I don't know if that's relevant or necessary unless the other party needs to see it. I will not drag in old apologies to other people to help my case with talking to one person. I'd feel wrong using that as examples because that would be me saying: "look! i did apologise!! i am a good person!!" instead of being genuine. This, although written months ago and I haven't re-read it yet, I thought I atleast acknowledged what I've done was shitty. I do feel bad, I have changed, and I will continue to improve. There are people I think about daily and others who also have done things that have affected me. That's not for me to share with a stranger but I am talking to profesionals.
I was 12-16, I am 19 now, I used to be unmedicated and I was in a horribly abusive home, my escape was here and that was horrible. I wish I was better to those around me, and if I did do something to you personally, would it be alright to remind or tell me-